
Happy Fat Taters' day. It's coming up on the last week of the school year, and we're super happy about that. Papa keeps muttering something about losing his free daycare, but don't know what he's talking about.

Papa's been making sauerkraut, kimchi, and yogurt kind of constantly these days. There are so many live bacteria living around here we should get the house checked out as a biohazard. So far he's not making us eat any of that stuff, but mommy ate the yogurt, and later had a slice of hot pizza, WITHOUT A LACTAID pill, and she DIDN'T GET SICK! Live bacteria are friends, and food!


 I've doing more food prep lately. I've been helping with pancakes on Saturdays and waffles on Sundays.
I've also been making my own "rice bowls" with rice, chicken, peas and goop. Yummy.
We're back to playing "Places and Pigs" but we're starting to cool on this game.
Papa's dirty little secret has been that he has been collecting auto parts in his office since early April. Honda boxes everywhere--what could they all be for?

Wait a second, that's an Accord 'honk honk' horn, that appears to be installed backward someplace. What's up with that?

And that looks like a snarly open maw covered with mesh. Hmmm.

New car! It's a 2012 Honda Fit, and its name is Celeste.

She's kind of self conscious of her ample behind, so kindly don't mention it.

Papa's been putting those parts from the boxes on her all week. He replaced her 'meep meep' horn with the Accord 'honk honk' horn. Then put on the splash guards, screen in the front bumper, rear bumper applique, interior rear light with an on/off switch, and fancy pants pre-distressed craiglist wheels (which he had to have some professionals install).

Then papa forced us to help him wax Celeste, and he said we have to do it again in 30 days. Sounds like illegal child labor to us.


Poor Babar isn't too happy about the new kid on the block. But he's still insured and living in front of the house. But where will Celeste live, you may ask?

 Why in the spacious garage of course. If you park her just right, everybody on one side of the car can exit. If you park her wrong, you could tear off a mirror, or nobody could get out. Always an adventure.

 Those of you on the passenger side are not so lucky. We hope the front seat passenger likes straddling the stick shifter as they struggle to free themselves--bwah hah hah hah--evil laugh.

Look at all that wide open space! Wow. Just wow. In order to get that much space, papa had to move the freezer, narrow one shelf on this side by 2 inches, and narrow all the shelves on the other side by 10 inches. He also had to replace the shelves you can't see in front of the car with ones that are 14 inches shallower, so you can actually walk in front of the car to the laundry sink--we bet you didn't know we had one of those--or down the driver's side into the car. Pretty swish.

Copyright 1997-2012, The Berman Brothers, Willie and Teddy. All rights reserved.