It's official--summer is here. It hit 90+ outside and it's 80 in the house, at 9:30 PM. Papa is melting and has an ice pack in the back of his shorts in a feeble attempt to cool down. Mommy is happy, but she's looking for a screen porch to sleep on.
When papa went to shul yesterday, a funny ironic thing happened. A person was up on the bimah saying the prayer for peace which goes "may we see the day when war and bloodshed cease, and a great..." and at that very moment the scream of fighter jets practically drowned out the speaker. Papa nearly burst a stitch trying to suppress his laughter. You see, the blue angels were in town terrifying the locals this week, and it was just at that prayer for peace moment that the peace was shattered, but a fighter jet. Hmmm.
Blueberries were picked. Pie was made, and eaten, and made, and eaten. Grandma and grandpa came and went. It's been a busy month.
How about now? This enough of a clue for you?
Huzzah! On 7/11, 7-eleven was giving away free 7.11 oz. slurpees. mmm, slurpees. As you can see, I had two in the first round. MAL didn't want his so I was the lucky beneficiary.
BRAIN FREEZE!!!!!!! Here I thought the long straw would be sufficient to warm the slurpee fluid before it entered my brain, but oh how I was wrong. It hurts...
Then it was off to Ft. Point where it was unbelievably cold considering the weather guy said it was going to be 80 degrees. Not in SF in the summer, it's not.
It was so cold papa had to put on his emergency jacket to keep from getting frost bit, or fog bit, or wind burned, or whatever.
Then it was on to the toad fountain and free chocolate samples at the ghirardelli square tourist trap store. We had lunch at the fountain so that we could strategically observe the shift change in candy store, and GET MORE CHOCOLATE!!! We're smarter than the devil.
Next day was hike out in Point Pinole park which was also super duper windy. We're sensing a pattern here.
Speaking of patterns, Cousin Jonathan showed up at nana's and we had some good poker games, and this game of Egyptian Rat Screw. Pattern--SMACK!
Then it was time for Jonathan to be off so we did the group photo thing.
Duh, which way did he go George? Which way did he go?
Home again, home again, what can that mean?
Well, like any condemned man, it can only mean a last cigarette and meal. Ramen please.
And don't touch my junk.
Do you like my hat? I DO! I like your hat. I like your party hat. And it's crunchable.
Grandma showed up bearing gifts. Or at least a bag. Good thing since the city started charging money for bags at stores since we left the first time.
Then we were off again. This time to Denman Island in British Columbia. There was lots of hidden and not so hidden stuff on this low tide beach. Bunches of star fish were hanging around the base of rocks, and there were shells to collect.
And beaches to comb.
And crabs to harass. It was super fun getting them to scoot around. They're really quick when they want to be.
The reason we went to Denman was for our friends' Bruce and LeeAndra's 25th Cosmic Wedding Anniversary celebration. They prepared for the huge crowds by building a bunch of brand new outhouses. We celebrated the new outhouses by decorating them with clever and sometimes bawdy humor.
Sometimes it was just interesting stuff for the users to look at.
Lots of kids got in the act.
We went from outhouse to outhouse decorating them all.
Can you guess what's in this building?
This is the Toot Suite.
Home again, home again, home again. Comic books, sweet comic books.
Speaking of comic, Cousin Avram came for dinner and we thought it would be a nice idea to model some of his old clothing.
It still fits. Whaddaya know!
A day later we got a box of cheese delivered to our doorstep, and inside was DRY ICE! Careful, you don't want to freeze your $#%&*^%#$% off.
Or maybe you do. Hey willie, come over here and feel this foggy stuff.
Then Willie went off to camp and on a windy day I went kite flying with G and G.
Up up and away!
Then we went blueberry picking. Some of berries were fresher than others.
Of course grandma is an expert berry picker.
This isn't break time grandpa. Get back to work!
And the fruits of our labors--summer blueberry pie.
I even made the crust. How about that?
Putting on the whipped cream is the most important part!
Hey hey hey--what do you think you're doing? Aren't pictures like this illegal in most states?
Copyright 1997-2012, The Berman Brothers, Willie and Teddy. All rights reserved.