Willie and Teddy's Excellent Adventure
and Teddy's Excellent Adventure
You may be surprised to hear that we did things other than Scratch this (three-day) weekend, but we really had variety. We played bionicles, chess (real chess, not on the computer), random active games...we decorated cookies, went outside, got new shoes, got our glassed adjusted, and got measured and weighed. I (Willie) am a quarter of an inch away from five feet, and I (Teddy) am a quarter of an inch away from four feet! One of us weighs 48 pounds (after a big dinner) and the other 86.5 pounds (not quite such a big dinner), you can guess which is which.
One of us even had to do some homework over the weekend, studying for some quizzes, which need I say is NO FAIR.
There was also a torrential downpour, the good thing about it was that when we were on our way back from a Hebrew School field trip there was a lot of traffic so by the time we got back it was time to go home! (The field trip was going to a nursing home to sing for the people there. We both don't really much like to sing, so we wanted to dance the kazatzka which we thought would be more fun and they would like it, but our teachers and the principal didn't know what it was, so they didn't let us. We say, foo!, didn't you people ever even see Fiddler on the Roof, for mercy's sake?
During one of our intergalactic games Baby Snuffles accidentally got into fluidic space (aka silly putty) and couldn't quite get it all off. We told Mommy he was going to need a special bath. She was skeptical that it would get the silly putty off. So we did an internet search and some people said, try to freeze it off, followed up by a spraying of WD-40. "I don't think so," says mommy, and looks for another solution (after the ridiculous "just hang the stuffed animal upside down and let the silly putty drip off of it" -- yeah, right!). Then we found the rubbing alcohol solution -- and it worked great! (One person online said he, or she, used it to remove silly putty that a brother had got on the carpet and that "the rubbing alcohol trick saved my butt from getting grounded." That was so hysterical!)
I (Willie) keep losing teeth. Mommy says she didn't realize how many were still going to come out. I think the tooth fairy is surprised too, because he -- or she -- seems to have stopped being so reliable and trustworthy about making the usual deals. Like the kids who aren't exactly sure if they should write to Santa or not, even if I did want to write a letter of complaint to the tooth fairy, I don't have an address. I wonder if she -- or he -- lives with the prophet Elijah, who also has one of those weird jobs like how can he get to all those houses in one night for mercy's sake?
Lee Andra came through again this week, on her way to Brazil! The night she got here was also singing night, and everyone stayed up late and was laughing and talking and making so much noise I couldn't sleep. I like Lee Andra a lot, but in general grownups can be so insensitive sometimes.
Cheez-it--it's the camera. We really did play a couple of games, and only messed up one game from frustration.
We like decorating cookies really a lot, but we don't eat them. Maybe if they were Jo Jo's we'd eat them.
I eat mine, but then I don't use betty crocker frosting on them. Food coloring, yes.
A tribute to Clubby. Later I added eyes and a little brown nose. I left the silly putty off.
SHAKIES! Oh my, cookie decorating is soooo much fun.
Willie's cookies are the left and center columns, and Teddy's are the right column. Mmmmm, don't they look delish?
Copyright © 1997-2008 The Berman Brothers--Willie and Teddy. All rights reserved.

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