
Happy New Year everybody. May you all be sealed in the Book of Life in the coming year. Considering there's only about 4 or 5 people that read this site, this shouldn't be too much to ask. We were upset to miss school but we let our teachers know in advance so they wouldn't dock us for missing tests and not turning in homework on time, and they were okay with us being out.

Papa's birthday was today, but he spent it mostly under a rock after watching his precious Raiders get beaten soundly. We didn't even get a rice krispie cake--YOU OWE US, BUSTER! Lets go find the Red Vines--that traitor owes us!

My (Willie) polyhedron crafting is hitting new heights in complexity--I am now making them using nothing but a straight edge and a compass (and scissors and tape) but I'm making 92 sided pentagonal gyrocupolarotunda and rhombocubeoctohedrons. Don't understand? Welcome to the club, which does not include me in its membership.


 The overturned turtle can't possibly get off his back.
 Try as he might, his shell keeps him down, vulnerable to attack by his enemies...
Enemies? Okay, I'm up--I'm up. And this polyhedron is nuclear powered so one false move and KABLAMMERS!!!!!
 Must be New Year's because papa is making up babka recipes again. This time he made challah dough and rolled it up with thick chocolate goo and chocolate chips inside. It was very tasty, but pretty bready too.
Our favorite part was the middle and working outward.
 Mmmm, chocolate babka. You are welcome to keep experimenting, and I'll even agree to continue being your test subject.

 Maybe you could put thai chili's in the babka, or jalapenos or habaneros.
 Oh heck, just give me more chocolate and comics and nobody will get hurt.
 Prepare to get hurt--your ears that is.
 So when I say "there there, little man" to papa, I really mean it. And now that Samson has cut his hair, he's lost about two inches of height as well. There there, little man.
EEEEEEEKKKKKK--some Delilah cut my hair--what am I to do now? I know, stubble of doom! Scratchy scratchy!

Copyright 1997-2011, The Berman Brothers, Willie and Teddy. All rights reserved.