
Sorry we haven't updated in a while. It seems that you have to have pictures if you want to post, well not technically true, but it helps to have new pictures, and we just haven't been taking many so new posts for a while, but that is over because...TA DA...we have new pictures, which is to say that papa trapped us in rare picture taking moments when he had the camera and his victims, er, subjects, er, us in one place and we didn't move too rapidly or make too nasty faces and everything came together for there to be pictures of us on this website which now seems to be a blog. Which means that it is a platform for some kind of world domination. We're sure papa would want us to espouse his latest ideas which are: 1) Nationalize the oil companies, and 2) Nationalize the banks, and 3) with the profits from the now nationalized banks and oil companies, pay for single payer health care for ALL Americans! Viva la Revolucion! (Thanks Nana for suggesting it)

I (Willie) have been heavily involved in thinking about Minecraft, even though I don't have it on my computer, and rocketry. Schools going fine--all A's. Nothing much else new by me.

I (Teddy) have about a foot and a half of the scarf that I'm knitting for an art class project done. As a class, we're knitting scarves for a men's shelter. I got off to a slowish start because the Art teacher who could teach papa a thing or two about being a control freak, made us learn a new and different way to cast on. Now, why do I need to learn a whole new way to cast on when I already know a perfectly good way to cast on? Oh yes, control. Well, I work for KAOS, so there.


 Making progress on this scarf, but it keeps threatening to turn itself into a shawl. Cooperate or you'll get ripped.

 So because Willie can't put Minecraft on his computer, he's been creating a virtual Minecraft world in Sketchup. Atom bomb as fly swatter again.

 Quiet you--gimme more satsumas.
Back to my knitting before somebody gets hurt.

Copyright 1997-2011, The Berman Brothers, Willie and Teddy. All rights reserved.