
It's a long weekend in May, which can only mean two things--Folklife is happening and it's raining...again. Welcome to May-vember, shortly followed by June-u-ary, then comes the 5th of July, and the official start of summer. But before that, we've got some unfinished business to take care of here.

First, Willie is off in E. WA. for a rocket festival called fire in the sky where he hopes to fly his recently completed rocket (the epoxy that dripped onto the chair on which it was sitting overnight is not yet dry) and get certified as a genuine space cadet--ha ha--I can say anything while he gone out of intetnet range.

B, Grandma and Grandpa have arrived for the Bar Mitzvah, the first official guests, and their only a week and a half early. That's what happens when you think it was happening Memorial Day weekend. Okay, they didn't, but we have fun at their expense.

And III, 5 and a 1/2 day's til the Bar Mitzvah--AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Papa swears he has menus in place, some of which even I can (and more importantly, will) eat. Mommy's going sufficiently nutzoid for all of us. Let's just say Martha Stewart's got nuthin on my mom.


Ah Lilac season--we hardly knew ye. Wouldn't you know that we would have a hot week that basically shortened the season by at least that much. It was fun (and good stinking) while it lasted.
Grandma got here and I am wowing her with my gift of gab, or bafflement of bull-hockey, or something like that.
Caption here--anyone? Kilroy was here? Man bites dog? Where you hiding the pretzels?

Pretzels, stay out of my pretzels, and my oranges, and my stoned wheat crackers--hey we live in WA and that kind of the thing is legal now. Wait, what? The wheat crackers aren't stoned? But it says so on the box. I want my money back.
Like we said, May-vember. You should have seen the torrential downpour that drove papa out to see the rain washing all his precious electricity off the solar panels. Poor guy--it rains and he cries.
Beam me up, Scotty! I seem to be caught in some kind of cruel religious ritual. Binding of the second born--AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!
Hey--when I said beam me up, I didn't mean beam me in here. This isn't funny--somebody's gonna pay for this.
Thanks Cousin Jeffrey for the fabulous backgammon board--this thing is really a beauty!
I'm getting the hang of it too. Here I am playing with Dana
Woo hoo! Doubles again.
Alas, beginner's luck. Grandma beat me.
Esther and Bun came over too, and she helped in the Martha-ish exercise of tying up sachets of herbs and stuff for havdalah. What ever happened to passing around a mushy clove encrusted orange or old smell-less bottle of even older spice?
Looks like Bun has found a new home. I know papa will be happy about this--he's been trying to liberate Bun from Esther ever since they met.


EGAD!!! 13 days to go until my (hebrew) thirteenth birthday--I (Teddy) feel so not ready for this. I think they should change this whole thing to the 26th birthday--then 23 year old papa would have to go thru this again--that would teach him a valuable lesson.

Papa and Willie went to his loser baseball team last saturday, and what do you know? They won. Papa and Laurie went on Friday, but his loser baseball team lost to Laurie's winner baseball team. Go M's. Anyway, they all had a good time, and many many many peanuts were eaten, despite papa confiscating the triple peanut shell that Willie wanted to save. For what? Who knows, just to add it to some new collection.

16 year old Willie is pretty much the same a 15 year old willie. There has not been any driving yet, unless you consider driving crazy, which willie is doing to try and get my Pathfinder book, but I have kept firm hold of the book, right down to hiding it whenever I leave the house so he can not read it. What are little brothers for? [Willie note: Shark bait.]


 Hey, your team just scored another touchdown! Go team, go!
 But why is the endzone so small? I thought football was played on a rectangle. I am so confused. Gimme some more peanuts.
 Could this torah be any heavier? Feels more like the 50 books of Moses. Maybe Moses is hiding in here too. Ugggh.
 She'll be coming round the mountain when she comes...Huh? I'm not supposed to be singing that right now? Me done bad. Uh oh.
If papa can wear shorts on the bimah, so can I. And here is the proof.


Wouldn't you know it, just when you thought it was safe to get up in the morning when BOOM, BOOM, BOOM--the neighbors two doors down demolished their house. Papa must have been feeling peckish when it comes to house stuff because next thing we knew, there were guys crawling around on the roof and in the attic of our house. But the poor house between ours and the neighbors, they must have felt just like The Little House. If they had known they were going to live thru not one but two total rebuilds, I think they would have just taken 6 month vacations.

I (willie) kept eating birthday cake all week, and as an added bonus, we got the rest of the whipped cream today. Mmmm, tasty. We also had very tasty gluten free toll house bars and lemon bars, which papa calls something gross that shall not be repeated here.


We got another delivery this morning from Affordable Kosher which means dry ice for us!

 Alas, back to studying. All work and no play make Willie a dull boy.
 And all play and no work make for a bunch of drunken monkeys. Mommy is not going to be pleased when she sees what the Georges have been up to.
 Here no evil.
Smell no evil.
 The house is growing spikes--what gives?

 Now they appear to be putting railroad tracks up on the house. Now we're really confused.
here's the 8:15 to nowhere coming thru.

Hmmm, this looks ominous. What now, rabbit?

Solar panels? In Seattle? Are you kidding me?

 Don't you be sticking your hinie out at me Mr. Solar installer man. I'm not knocking your business or anything, but have you ever seen the weather in Seattle?

Hmmm, blue sky, straw hat, maybe solar panels aren't such a bad idea.
We're guessing papa's trying to get some green cred in the emerald city. Either that or he just likes watching the meter run backwards, which we must admit is pretty weird.

 We've been making 30+ kWh/day since the panels went live and it's been really sunny, but it won't stay that way. Anyway, 108 kWh produced so far, and not nearly that much consumed so back onto the grid it goes. We are now an electric company.