EGAD!!! 13 days to go until my (hebrew) thirteenth birthday--I (Teddy) feel so not ready for this. I think they should change this whole thing to the 26th birthday--then 23 year old papa would have to go thru this again--that would teach him a valuable lesson.
Papa and Willie went to his loser baseball team last saturday, and what do you know? They won. Papa and Laurie went on Friday, but his loser baseball team lost to Laurie's winner baseball team. Go M's. Anyway, they all had a good time, and many many many peanuts were eaten, despite papa confiscating the triple peanut shell that Willie wanted to save. For what? Who knows, just to add it to some new collection.
16 year old Willie is pretty much the same a 15 year old willie. There has not been any driving yet, unless you consider driving crazy, which willie is doing to try and get my Pathfinder book, but I have kept firm hold of the book, right down to hiding it whenever I leave the house so he can not read it. What are little brothers for? [Willie note: Shark bait.]
Hey, your team just scored another touchdown! Go team, go!
But why is the endzone so small? I thought football was played on a rectangle. I am so confused. Gimme some more peanuts.
Could this torah be any heavier? Feels more like the 50 books of Moses. Maybe Moses is hiding in here too. Ugggh.
She'll be coming round the mountain when she comes...Huh? I'm not supposed to be singing that right now? Me done bad. Uh oh.
If papa can wear shorts on the bimah, so can I. And here is the proof.