
Understandibly, we missed a week. Last weekend was a little busy, what with my (Teddy) Bar Mitzvah and all. Turns out people came from all over the country, and even from Israel. It was a little overwhelming at first, but I managed to get thru it, and even ended up having fun in the process, except being up on the chair at the party--that was like the barfiest of barf rides. But that too ended and this was a fine week with a great ending--I got together with some friends today and played Pathfinder. A nice exclamation point to a fine week.

Thanks to everybody who came from near and far, and for helping papa put together all the meals and the house and party and more meals. Everything went non-stop from Thursday on and it was exhausting. We've been trying to catch up on our sleep ever since, without complete success. School's out after next friday, so that is something to look forward to.

And now, in no particular order, are the pictures from last week.


 This me reading Torah on the Monday before my bar mitzvah. The portion was the same Monday and Thursday, so I read twice.
 Willie got a bloody nose and needed some visual evidence of the mayhem.
 I'm trying to eat here, can you keep the blood to yourself please.
 Speaking of blood--give me that iPad or I'll bloody your nose.
This is papa's sushi crew, including (L to R) Colonel Katz, the Fish family, Gail C., Marci the marine biologist, and Dr. Braverman. Great work guys.
 Celeste is doing her best imitation of Babar--here she's stuffed with two 8-foot and two 6-foot tables, 60 chairs, and a coat rack for good measure. The guys at the rental place didn't think she could handle it, but they'll never question the capacity of a Honda Fit again.

 This is cousin Marissa crashed out after the party on Saturday night.
Here I'm demonstrating my torah reading chops to Houseguest Mike, who is also a torah tutor.
 Next person to come in the kitchen gets served for dinner.
Papa sez this is a typical Katz pose--must be something in my genetic makeup.
 Speaking of makeup, can somebody do something about this hair?
Dang--willie bunny eared me. You set me up Uncle Michael--I'll get you for this.
Great Auntie (also called Bubbe) Happy got to do motzi.
 Then later I did kiddush with my cup overflowing.
 Then came pictures with my Berman Aunts and Uncles.
 Nana and her babies.
 And her babies' babies.
 Bwa haw haw haw.
 Nana and Auntie Marcy.
 Photobombing Uncle Michael and Auntie Marianne, and cousin Avram.
 The cousins
At least the cousins that were here--we're missing cousins Ethan and Yoav.
 Houseguest Mike (who we are now called third Uncle Michael, and Nana.
 Oh the chair barf ride. Jane--stop this crazy thing!
Aunts, uncles and cousins, oh my!
 Hands on the Bar Mitzvah boy, AKA Big Man.
 Yes Uncle Michael, you have very hairy arm pits, and smelly too.
 Here is an assortment of Nana's labor of love, the Tallit bags she makes for her grandchildren and others.

Nana and Avram and Talia in full dealer regalia.
 Oh boy, bar mitzvah time.
 Mommy and Uncle Michael
 Here's me reading the torah and Grandma had the aliyah.
More torah reading.
 This is my official saturday bar mitzvah uniform. Now put down that camera before I put it where the sun don't shine.
Egad--the floor paper is swallowing Willie whole. One of the funnest things about the bar mitzvah, and the way we know the event is finally over is when the protective paper comes off the floors in the house.