Lets see, a year and 3 months since the last post. Hmmm. What happened? Foods were eaten. Chores were done. Relatives were visited, and they visited us. Movies were watched. School was a beasty for everybody. Papa's sports teams let him down again and again, but he still seems to roll with them. The house is still standing (despite the BBQ incident when papa brought home the barrel smoker). Speaking of smoking--no more smoked turkey please--3 times since Thanksgiving is way too many. Ribs, yes. Brisket, yes. Tri tip, yes. Chicken, yes. Turkey, no no no. The people have spoken. [Ed. note: I liked the turkey.]
Family Portrait December 2014.
The view from here--just goes to show that the sun always shine on the greener grass across the street.
Chanukah selfies.
And Latke sammiches. Yum.
Better outside than in--this one was a regular Shelob.

More selfies were taken.
Meat was smoked.
Goop was concocted.
Memories were shared. Happy new year to one and all.