
Willie and Teddy's Excellent Adventure

and Teddy's Excellent Adventure

See how good we are being? This is to prove that we deserve to see all the Star Trek episodes we want, which is to say, all the Star Trek episodes that exist (and then we will start over again).

Here's a new thing that Teddy has started doing: after we see a Star Trek episode and are supposed to head upstairs to get ready for bed, Teddy has to stop and sit on Mommy for a little while. This is his new tradition. He says it's nutritional, so Mommy calls it the Nutrition Tradition.

Maybe next week they will remember to take a decent numer of pictures of us!

Speedy view of the remodel

Updated 1/27/2008

Copyright © 1997-2008 The Berman Brothers--Willie and Teddy. All rights reserved.

Hey, click the pears picture above to check out our friend Leslie's Watercolors, and BUY THEM!!!


Willie and Teddy's Excellent Adventure

and Teddy's Excellent Adventure

Phew, no more pix of the bathroom, not to say that there wasn't any progress on that front, but somehow a picture of the new hook just isn't so exciting, especially after last week giving our 13 readers nothing but towels. So this week there will no pictures or descriptions of the bathrooms. D'oh!

Hooray, it's getting darker later which can only mean that the days are getting longer and before you know it summer will be here. Uhhh, we seem to be getting ahead of ourselves slightly. In the meantime, we did have a little snow and ice last Monday morning. Teddy's bus never came, so I (willie) walked myself down to my bus and Papa drove (after he managed to pry open the frozen car doors and de-ice the windshield) Teddy to his school and Kira (a neighbor two doors down) to her school. He said though that the cars coming from Teddy's school were all slipping on black ice so he chained up the car and it took him 45 minutes to get home, but at least he did it without smashing into anything.

We saw some pretty good Star Trek episodes and of course Mommy fell asleep so she didn't even hear Dr. McCoy tell Spock and Captain Kirk to shut up so he could have the last word. It was very funny.

Finally, I got my P.h.D., and it's about time. Papa was convinced that it would never come. Just because I sent in my self addressed stamped envelope to 'me want my phd' about 9 months ago and we had heard nothing since, I don't know why he didn't think it would come.

And looky loo! My diploma in the flesh. The picture on the left is the top view of my mortor board. I brought the PHD ID card to school to get it laminated.

Papa is trying to relive his youth where he had the biggest hair in the bunch. The one nice thing about when his hair is so big is that it is really soft and fluffy. Occasionally though he hides pointy pencils behind his ears and you don't know they're there until you've patted him and OUCH! Maybe he's just trying to join the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers or something!

For those of you concerned about the safety of this 'dropping bears' stunt, there was a highly partial observer making sure that no bears were harmed in the making of these pictures. Of course, papa's Teddy Bear really is not so fearsome anymore, except his cold eyes, BRRRR, you don't want to come into contact with those.


3-2-1, release! SPLAT! Not really. I'd never do that to Clubby!

Today I (Teddy) has a youth group activity after hebrew school at a bowling alley which was pretty fun, but the bestest part was that I got PEPSI! and drank the whole thing. Mmmmmm.

Yup, it's closing in on midnight, and we're still going strong!

Speedy view of the remodel

Updated 1/20/2008

Copyright © 1997-2008 The Berman Brothers--Willie and Teddy. All rights reserved.

Hey, click the pears picture above to check out our friend Leslie's Watercolors, and BUY THEM!!!


Willie and Teddy's Excellent Adventure

and Teddy's Excellent Adventure

No pictures? Whaddaya mean 'no pictures'? You gotta be kidding. What do you parental units do all week that there aren't any picture for our 12 fans to enjoy? Okay. no pictures. Sorry 12 fans. Check back next week for scintillating pix of all the action.

Oh, that's why there weren't any pictures. We went back to school last monday, and there was no joy in Mudville. Between the two of us, we managed to voice our displeasure about returning to the daily routine well known. Not far and wide because we still largely refuse to leave the house when offered, except tonight we did agree to go to Canton Wonton, but we definitely rolled our eyes and says 'BAA' whenever papa said 'you know, it's clear and beautiful outside, how about playing outside.' BAA!

We have seen some more Star Trek episodes this weekend and now we've seen where papa gets some of his lines like 'the air is the air, what can be done' and 'Harcourt--Harcount Fenton Mudd!' We also saw Troubles with Tribbles again, so it was a successful weekend. Don't forget the donuts. Oh yes, we got donuts after hebrew school to celebrate that Teddy's teacher said that he was cooperating and participating, two weeks in a row--a new record. Also, papa was helping Teddy with his hebrew school homework and they needed to find the word for chalk, and papa and mommy said they didn't know that word and Teddy said 'geer' (gimmel, yud, raish) and papa was amazed that Teddy knew a hebrew word that he didn't. Then Teddy demanded $5 for knowing the word. Papa was not amused.

BOOO!!!! HISSSSSSS!!!! You people said no more bathroom pictures, and HERE ARE MORE BATHROOM PICTURES! HEY, WAIT, we said there were no pictures this week--what gives? No pictures of us? Aw nuts, beaten on a technicality. Okay, get it over with. Towel rods. One's a double, and mommy doesn't think it's wide enough. Neener neener neener!

Speedy view of the remodel

Updated 1/13/2008

Copyright © 1997-2008 The Berman Brothers--Willie and Teddy. All rights reserved.

Hey, click the pears picture above to check out our friend Leslie's Watercolors, and BUY THEM!!!


Willie and Teddy's Excellent Adventure

and Teddy's Excellent Adventure

As you must all be aware, today was the last day of Winter Break.* Barring a last-minute snowstorm, we're back in the school saddle tomorrow morning. (Mommy would make a bad, outdated pun at this point, something along the lines of "back in the saddle shoes again" but we wouldn't think it was funny.)

*Secret note: Some people would say it really WASN'T a winter break day, since we had to go to Sunday School, but I, Willie, at least, thought it was a good practice for the real thing, well, especially since I got to rush right off to a great birthday party right from there, and eat three pieces of pizza and...for the first time ever...Hostess Ding Dongs, yummm!

But back to talking about Winter Break. We did not drink wine on New Years Eve, as was desired and requested, but we did have Martinelli's for New Years Day Morning, and we think that is one of our favorite new fizzy drinks, though of course it's always the most fun to put several flavors together, everyone knows that. And yes, folks, we did stay up until midnight, even though our parents were drooping badly. Sometimes even Star Trek is not enough to, um, energize people. In fact, Mommy falls asleep more during Star Trek episodes than any other time except maybe during reading.

Speaking of Star Trek, we become more and more addicted (and knowledgeable) with each passing day. Today we wanted to find the exact dimensions of the USS Enterprise, and we looked on the internet and found SO MUCH STUFF, we got to take online tours of the ships, and see a Borg cube, and all kinds of stuff. This is so much fun!

We have also discovered that we have not one, but TWO Bloom County books, so now maybe we won't have to fight over them!

During this last week we also realized we had been cooped up for like forever, so we wanted to start getting out more. Teddy in particular wanted a change of pace, so...we took a ferry to Bainbridge Island and saw our friends there, took a walk, went on a dock, bought a lot of candy (you wouldn't believe how much candy they have over there!) and had lunch at a fancy restaurant with good fries. It was quite an afternoon.

We also saw performing pigs and that was pretty funny, especially since we had just finished reading Charlotte's Web, and Teddy said that the pig we saw, Nellie, could not have been the world's most famous pig even if she WAS on the David Letterman show, because Wilbur was the most famous pig. Piggy rivalries! Please note, if you look at this web site, that "The Duchess of Pork" did not perform this day, rather it was a different pig named Petunia Pancake ("Pancake" added to her original name when her people found out she always smelled like maple syrup!). We also saw a new pig, only eight weeks old, about the size of a guinea pig, her name is Peanut and she could already do one trick (dance and jump in the air).

Mommy finished the sweater she made for Marissa (sssh -- don't tell) and, well, you'll see what happened to it. Papa sort of finished the bathroom, though if we know our parents they will be fussing about it for a long time yet. Yeah, yeah, of course, yawn, yes, there will be pictures.

Mmmmmm, marshmallows. But now, I (willie) have found something even BETTER! DING DONGS! Why was I never informed that these existed. You owe me 10 1/2 years worth of Ding Dongs!

Photographic evidence: we got out during winter break, barely.

We took a ferry to Bainbridge Island to visit our friends Halle and Larsen.

And to eat huge hamburgers.

And to get all lovey dovey. To love you, to kiss you...

LET ME OUT OF HERE! How does this window open. Can I swim?

Here's Halle and Larsen.

And check out my goofy glasses. I couldn't buy them because they weren't the right prescription.

Ho hum, just eating my gum--whoa, what the...where did willie come from? (Good work Scotty, now beam Teddy up, but leave the gum for me!)

More work on our bionicle bucket. I (willie) managed to make a starship enterprise replica out of bionicle parts, only it is black instead of dirty--looks more sleek in my opinion.

We are always showing Mommy the things we are creating, so she showed me the thing she has been creating--a sweater for cousin Marissa (formerly and still familiarily known as the noisy baby). Of course I had to try it on first, just to make sure it would fit and stuff.

Now according to Bloom County, the way to hunt liberals is to shout out things like 'socialized medicine' and 'gun control', and then KABLAMMERS--right between the eyes. Do you think Papa will fall for it? Probably!

Speaking of Papa, he said that they would be taking showers in the new bathroom last week--FALSE! Before he gave anybody a chance, he was working on the sink.

Nice, but isn't it missing something?

That's better. Kind of hard to turn on the other way.

Anyway, as I was saying, right after he finished the sink, up went the masking, and look look look, what's this? Mommy is working in the bathroom? It's paint.

It's BLUE paint.

And what else? A medicine cabinet! So what the heck else do we need? A towel bar and doors on the big cabinet. That is all. Commence showering, and brushing teeth, and shaving, and other stuff. And no more pix of the bathroom. Thank you.

Speedy view of the remodel

Updated 1/6/2008

Copyright © 1997-2008 The Berman Brothers--Willie and Teddy. All rights reserved.

Hey, click the pears picture above to check out our friend Leslie's Watercolors, and BUY THEM!!!