and Teddy's Excellent Adventure
No pictures? Whaddaya mean 'no pictures'? You gotta be kidding. What do you parental units do all week that there aren't any picture for our 12 fans to enjoy? Okay. no pictures. Sorry 12 fans. Check back next week for scintillating pix of all the action.
Oh, that's why there weren't any pictures. We went back to school last monday, and there was no joy in Mudville. Between the two of us, we managed to voice our displeasure about returning to the daily routine well known. Not far and wide because we still largely refuse to leave the house when offered, except tonight we did agree to go to Canton Wonton, but we definitely rolled our eyes and says 'BAA' whenever papa said 'you know, it's clear and beautiful outside, how about playing outside.' BAA!
We have seen some more Star Trek episodes this weekend and now we've seen where papa gets some of his lines like 'the air is the air, what can be done' and 'Harcourt--Harcount Fenton Mudd!' We also saw Troubles with Tribbles again, so it was a successful weekend. Don't forget the donuts. Oh yes, we got donuts after hebrew school to celebrate that Teddy's teacher said that he was cooperating and participating, two weeks in a row--a new record. Also, papa was helping Teddy with his hebrew school homework and they needed to find the word for chalk, and papa and mommy said they didn't know that word and Teddy said 'geer' (gimmel, yud, raish) and papa was amazed that Teddy knew a hebrew word that he didn't. Then Teddy demanded $5 for knowing the word. Papa was not amused.
BOOO!!!! HISSSSSSS!!!! You people said no more bathroom pictures, and HERE ARE MORE BATHROOM PICTURES! HEY, WAIT, we said there were no pictures this week--what gives? No pictures of us? Aw nuts, beaten on a technicality. Okay, get it over with. Towel rods. One's a double, and mommy doesn't think it's wide enough. Neener neener neener!
Copyright © 1997-2008 The Berman Brothers--Willie and Teddy. All rights reserved.