
Oh boy, things are starting to heat up around here. Papa was seen covering all the floors with construction paper--what's happening Pop? Are you going to repaint the walls? Is that why there isn't anything hung after 3 years of living here? [Editor's note: I'm being maligned--I hung our ketuba just last November.] Apparently the 'no shoes' policy will be suspended for the duration of the you-know-what, with the exception of up-the-stairs and in the bedrooms--there it's still NO SHOES!
I (Teddy) went to a friend's house today to work on a science project about resistors--how to read them, what they do, what the heck they're good for. We ended up playing more on the computer and keyboard that doing science work, but hey--all work and no play make Teddy a dull boy. Willie came in the house too at the beginning and said that their house was much nicer than ours. See ya later Willie, nice knowing you.
Speaking of play, after dinner on Friday, we went to Grandma and Grandpa's for a sleepover, and they had a surprise for us--cream puffs! They were great and our dirty little secret is that we brushed our teeth before we left home for the sleepover, but NOT after the cream puffs. Shhhh--don't let our parents know! [Ed. note: Too late.]
So anybody coming from Oakland that has time on the morning of their flight that wants to stop by Trader Joe's and pick up a fresh Semifreddi seeded sourdough baguette for me (Willie) on their way to Seattle will be my hero, at least until I plow through the baguette. I'm just sayin.


 Coming to Seattle? Well, this is what Spring looks like--a 1/4 inch of hail and lovely cherry and apple blossoms. Oh and LILACS! Mommy is very excited about them, but it seems that our trees will only give us lilacs from the upper reaches. Good thing we can lean out my (Teddy's) window and pick them.

 Papa brought home his skateboard after his last trip to California, and I've been bugging him ever since to let me ride it, but he keeps saying "do you have your helmet" and I kept forgetting it at school, until TODAY, and you know what? I'm getting really good at falling on my hiney.

 Papa installed a hacked operating system called Rockbox on his white iPod and it's got all kinds of cool games that we like to play like asteroids and others. It's also got Doom, but we're not allowed to play that one.
Grumble grumble--we want first person shooters--what's the matter with that? We're going to join the NRA to fight for our rights to play first person shooters. So there.
 As you can tell, I have fine head of hair going these days. I have no plans to cut it any time soon, so don't ask.

Big George, the prodigal monkey, has returned to inspire mayhem in the littler Georges. First we found them in a monkey pile on the kitchen counter, then Big led an expedition up the living room lights. Oh boy, this is going to be an interesting week with the Georges on the loose and you-know-what just around the corner. Wish us luck.