It's been really fun having Grandma and Grandpa right down the street. We have good sleepovers there, and can run down for fun and games (and cream puffs) almost any time we want! Maybe I should hook up the walkie talkies like Grandpa suggested.
Teddy's been busy too; he's had a lot of reports due, both at Hebrew school and regular school. He did great at the Bar Mitzvah, he did Ashrei, and also he helped me sing Ein Kelohenu. Then we were done and went running around as usual. Better than usual, actually -- usually we have to wait and wait and wait and wait for our parents to stop gabbing with people at shul, and this time, they sent us home with official escorts such as tantes. We mostly hung out upstairs after that -- so many people took over our space! But it was extra fun on Sunday afternoon when we got to tear up all the floor-paper with a vengeance.
Unlimited computer access the day after the bar mitzvah. We did let Marcus and his friend on, but only because our hands were falling off.
Then I helped Aunie Marcy print her boarding passes--remember, that's Teddy--certified genius. In return Marcy and Michael gave us coupons for a flight east, as if our clingy parents will let us use them. We'll see.
Later I made an actual appearance to eat something and discuss some of the finer points of my d'var with cousin Jonathan and Uncle Daniel.

Why are these boys so happy? No more daily study for one thing. Red vines for another. Ghirardelli chocolate for a third.
After for sure all the guests were gone, Teddy and I went and got biblical on the floor covering which is a fancy way for me to say we smote it good.
I'm blowing taps for the deceased floor covering paper. Actually, I just practice wherever I happen to be, or not to be, that is the couch.
While the old dining room table was still in the living room, we made good use of it playing this D & D type game with the bears. Kind of like a mashup between D & D and pokemon, but with vicious bears that could go postal at any moment.
So among the extremely cool things I got for my bar mitzvah (thanks again for the yad, Thea Gail and Steven) I got this tallit bag that Nana hand needlepointed. The best thing about the bag is that it has a secret inner pouch for important man-stuff like red vines and cashews. How the heck is a guy supposed to get thru services without that stuff?
Teddy set up "The Morbid Ma'afiah" (the morbid bakery--bread to die for) at his hebrew school shuk this morning. Sales were brisk and nobody died in the consumption of the bread.