
So the first week of summer is gone, and the days are getting shorter. Teddy had his birthday and then today for a present he went off to summer camp. I (Willie) did not expect him to be doing anything fun or having any kind of good time, but we know he's a different guy than me and likes playing sports like soccer and basketball--who knew?

Tante Margie was here and she took us out to the science center and canton wonton. Mmmm, ho yao lo tu mein. Thanks Tante.


Look, up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane, it's a hybrid schnoz...
Bwa ha ha--hybrid schoz--wait a second, I think I've been insulted. I'll get you, you little *@#*!
Oh ya? Say hello to my little friend--SQUIRT!!
Well have a taste of my little friend--SPLORT!
And now I must be punished by having the garbage can of shame draped over my head for some unknown offense known only to me. 
SCORE--birthday presents! I got Zombie edition fridge poetry. Mmmm, brains.
We also went bowling which was not so good. Live and learn.
But while we were off on our bowling adventure, papa made my birthday cake--I asked for rice krispy treats but little did I know that he would fill waffle cones with them and dip them in chocolate. Good job papa.

C'mon, be done singing so I can get to the scarfing.
Crunch, munch, swallow.
Glorb, chuem, chew, blorp.
Okay, enough sweetness for this week. Next week--camp pictures. And that's probably the only pictures you'll see because I (Teddy) took papa's camera to camp because that's the only working camera we've got right now.

Copyright 1997-2010. The Berman brothers, Willie and Teddy. All rights reserved.


Two more days and then freedom for the summer! No responsibility. Nowhere we have to be. We get to watch unlimited TV. We get to play unlimited computer games. We get first person shooter games. We get to eat french fries and jelly beans at every meal. We get to drink pepsi instead of taking vitamins. We get to stay up until 4 a.m. talking about our many freedoms. We never have to get dressed. We never have to shower. Ahhh summer, what a perfect time of year.


Summertime is so perfect that nothing can ruin it for me.
You did what? A dentist appointment on the 1st full day of summer? Are you kidding me? Probably better the first day than after 8 straight weeks of jelly beans and pepsi for breakfast lunch dinner and late night snack. I'm gonna use Mountain Dew instead of toothpaste for tooth brushing.
Bleah--I'm not going to brush my teeth with Mountain Dew--I'm going to smash Jelly Belly's into a paste and use that. You see, when the outer shell is crushed, it's sort of abrasive--perfect tooth brushing material.
See these teeth? Well after 8 weeks of jelly belly's and pepsi, you'll never see them again.
You tell 'em, Cookie Bread man.
Oh Cookie Bread man--we hardly knew ye. How could this happen to you? I thought this sort of thing only happened in movies.
Mommy in her natural habitat. Gray scrofulous sweater? Check. Crossword puzzle? Check. Tea? Hey, where's the tea? Somebody's head is gonna roll for this.
No, papa didn't put anything else new up on the wall. What do you think he is, a machine? No. This is just a fancy shadow mommy took a fancy to.
Speaking of fancy, I (Willie) have been trying to get more fiber into my diet, and seeing as how I like bbq, papa thought that nice piece of bbq'd cedar would fit the bill.
Ha--fooled you--it was just for another fancy piece of dead fish flesh, which the grown ups said tasted good, but you can't trust anyone over 22.
This is Smile, the Turtle. He got ahold of a bionicle mask and has been terrorizing bears. He sneaks up on them and yells "SMILE!" They are looking for recipes for turtle soup.

Copyright 1997-2010. The Berman Brothers, Willie and Teddy. All rights reserved.


Thursday was a busy day for me at school. In the afternoon and evening, we had a 4th grade orchestra concert. I did fine with my practicing every day.
Now the saxophone players on the other hand, them I might have brain with my trumpet--too blatty!
In the morning my class did a Shakespeare play, A Midsummer Night's Dream. I was Robin Starveling.
Hark what yonders speaks? Narf. Zounds. Sploit. Or something like that--Shakepeare is so like unintelligible.

Copyright 1997-2010, The Berman Brothers, Willie and Teddy. All rights reserved.


These magnetic balls really work supoibly--they really are all the same size, it's just an optical illusion here because one side of the bowl thing I made is closer than the other side.

This sand creature is actually 6 feet wide so that gives you some idea of the scale of the bowl. And that would make each magnetic ball like a small canon ball. Hmm, do you think they'll believe that?
Where's the tooth brushing wallah? Speaking of teeth, I was complaining last saturday morning about my tooth hurting while I ate dry cheerios so papa made me put milk on them. At lunch time, the tooth still hurt so papa asks if it was loose and what do you know? It was. So papa says, 'you want me to take it out?' and I told him ok and he reached into my mouth, grabbed the tooth and pulled it right out. There was only a little blood, and amazingly, very little pain and no screaming. I keep forgetting to put the tooth under my pillow so no visit from the tooth ferry yet. I also had overnights in Willie's room two nights in a row, so the tooth ferry wouldn't have been able to find me anyway.
Quit pulling my hair and make with the tooth brushing or I'll give you what for.
Ever since my (Willie) bar mitzvah, I've been eyeing ebay for screaming deals on bionicles, but I lost a couple of auctions and then papa suggested trying craigslist and I saw that somebody was selling a tub of mixed parts with no instructions--perfect! So I offered them less than what they wanted and because it had been up there for a week, they accepted my offer. Woo hoo. [Ho hum sez Teddy--eyeroll]
I think there are more than 30 bionicles in here--this will make a perfect compliment to our bionicle army.
Now, lets see what I can do about a computer stand. Papa said that I shouldn't have the machine down on my desk because them I hunch down over it and ruin my posture. Aha, cardboard box--that's an excellent idea. Easy, cheap, stable...not so much.
Wait a second, can I build stuff out of k'nex or can't I? Actually Papa came up with the suggestion of using k'nex, and let me know what the minimum acceptable height for an ergonomically correct setup would be, and then I built it.
It came out really well, and it can handle the weight of the computer no problem. I'm going to build add-ons for the ipod and maybe a cord management system as well.
It's not made of space age aluminum, but it didn't cost me anything either. I'd say that's a WIN!
Okay, GQ cool guy in PJ's cover shot. Now leave me alone so I can play with my bionicles.
Take pictures of me instead. I'm not getting nearly enough attention this issue. People keep asking me what I'm going to do with my hair and I don't know how to answer that question because my hair is doing the useful function of being on my head. Now quit asking me.
This is actually a picture from our memorial day bbq--mommy was with the Tantes so we went boy crazy--with meat! And french fries! Yang yang yang yang. Narf.

Copyright 1997-2010. The Berman Brothers, William and Teddy. All rights reserved.