The lack of real food was because we went to a Bar Mitzvah party where we had great ice cream sundaes, and loads of candy from the centerpieces on the kids' tables, and gallons of soda, but the food didn't interest us kids. The other kids were happy with it, but we tend to stick to things we know, hence the ice cream etc.
It's been a fun weekend of meeting cousins and Bar Mitzvah-ing. I (willie) was really impressed that the reform service we went to on shabbat morning only lasted 1 1/2 hours, with no pasukay d'zimrah, minimal shacharit, only 4 aliyot in the torah service, and no musaf. I told papa I want to be reform. He said go ahead--the temple is practically in our back yard. We also went to a mincha maariv service at an orthodox shul on Wednesday night, and they davened so fast it made even my head spin, and the added bonus was there was NO english. So the bottom line is I don't know whether I prefer orthodox or reform, I just know I want it to go faster.
We took the longest march we've ever taken--we started below the Golden Gate bridge at sea level, then hiked up and over the bridge.
We even let papa come along. He had the milky way bars.
But walking over the bridge was not all. We then went part way up the Marin headlands to Kirby cove.
I can get into this place, I know it.
This is the site of the future Star Fleet headquarters if you can believe that.
Anyway, Kirby Cove is down on the water on the Pacific side of the Golden Gate.
The only problem is, then we have to walk back.
Put us in jail now, cuz we're not budging. Okay, we'll go, but our feet don't want to. All told, it was over 7.5 miles with over a thousand feet of elevation change. Pretty good for nerdy couch potatoes. Afterward we got Slurpees then went to MAL's place and watched Avatar and ate salty snacks. mmmm, chips and cheetos.
The next day we went back to best cement slide we know of in Berkeley. Nobody waxed the slide, but it was still fun.
Ready, set...
That night we played Life with Sarah. Teddy ended up winning because he didn't send his kids to college and bankrolled the money instead. Is that a good example?

Our last stop was atop Mt. Diablo. It's over 3800 feet high, and we drove all the way to the top. We were feeling kind of ill by the time we got to the top, but we sang funny songs on the way up and the way down. At least we didn't have to walk up this thing.