Happy September everyone!
So we're home from our GNP adventure (don't you think it's funny that Glacier National Park is GNP?), we did the return trip in one fairly long day. Enough with the hotels! We thought the trip was pretty good (if you think that doesn't sound very enthused, remember who's talking here). Good combination of long hikes, good scenery, some wildlife, and television. And ice cream, don't forget ice cream, and a very clever and tasty form of make-em-anywhere (kosher, too) s'mores (thanks, Marcy, delicious and great idea).
Some of us saw:
A grizzly bear
A black bear
Moose (Meese?)
Big horn sheep
Mountain goats
lots of squirrels and chipmunks
a Bald Eagle
Did you know squirrels can sing?
We also stopped on the way home in Wallace, ID, to satisfy the curiosity of Mommy, who had heard that this was the place that had the last/only traffic light on all of I-90 (until they built a piece of highway that circumvented the town). What I (Teddy) will remember this town for is that it contained the first restaurant I have eaten in that provided free popcorn before the meal. Cool!
We had a good time and are happy to be home and getting back to our routines-n-stuff, and getting ready for school. Time again to say Happy New Year and also to say, we'd rather be in school than in shul!
The pictures are pretty self explanatory and it's super late at night, so the captions are limited, like this offer, so ACT NOW!
Teddy, on our first big day hike (7.5 miles for Papa and Teddy, 5.5 miles for everybody else) to see three waterfalls.
Boys on the east side of the park.
Snowing in August, kind of like Xmas stuff at Costco. Speaking of Costco, thank goodness for Costco in Spokane, WA and Kalispell, MT.
This is David (who I, Willie, call Uncle David). He came along on the boy's 9 mile hike to the east side of the park.
Nice to know there are facilities on the way.
This is Ptarmigan lake which was not our original destination on the 9 mile hike, but there were grizzly bears on the trail we wanted to go on, so this had to do.
Mountain goat mama and baby
This trail had this hose covered cable for the first quarter mile, then they took off the training wheels and let the chips fall where they may. Heh heh heh.
No more pictures you you you so and so.
Papa mountain goat.
Mommy, Emily and Marcy went off to do other stuff while we did our manly hike. They did girly hikes and went on a boat ride and built rock statues and went to a ranger presentation. You know, girl stuff.
But they also saw this bald eagle, and we didn't. Boo.
It's too cold out there, just get back in the car so we can continue taking pictures.
The sky is falling etc.
It's hard to tell by this picture, but with my help, we're at the Incontinental Divide.
Center of the Universe? Me. No me! No me! ME! ME! I'm telling! MOM!
The famous last traffic light on I-90.
Big deal.
AAAAAAAAA----A GRIZZLY BEAR! That's the brown blob in the middle of the photo--it's as close as we wanted to be.