We continued the Chanukah parade this week, full of fiery candles and wax and latkes and stuff. We've also gotten back to watching Lord of the Rings movies--we managed to make it thru the first two extended ones, and we'll see the last one next weekend. Seeing as how next weekend is the start of winter break, we'll be sure to be watching movies non-stop. Papa was seen around the downstairs closet with a tape measure which can only mean that he is dreaming of a bigger TV again. This time he may be serious because Big Willie came over and they were plotting together for about an hour this morning. We'll believe it when it happens, but if it happens, please make it so before the super bowl. Speaking of the super bowl, we know one team that won't be in it--the Raiders. Papa is like some kind of weirdly conditioned animal where every sunday of football season he gets all excited and then by 4 pm he's stomping up and down on his jersey again. You'd think he'd learn his lesson and just like whatever team is in first place by a lot of games instead of the losers he roots for.
Fancy duds usually mean I've got to go to shul, but in this case they mean I have to go to school, for an evening band concert. I didn't like having to wear "real" pants and a shirt with a collar, but I did like taking them off later.
Hmmmm, boxes must mean PRESENTS! Hooray! It's my new laser blaster. It's my new video game system. It's my new thermonuclear reactor. It's my new donut factory. It's my new 10,000 piece lego set. It's my new supercomputer. WHAT IS IT?
Doesn't feel like a thermonuclear powered supercomputer gaming system. There must be some mistake.
Eighth night, drat, it's over. And I didn't get my thermonuclear powered supercomputer gaming system. There's always next year.
In the meantime, it's time for stapler wars!
No comment from me other than you should really admire my naturally curly hair.
The finishing touches of the snub dodecahedron which I've dressed up as the Death Star, complete with super planet destroying firing weapon mechanism. This should impress the geometry class, and the emperor.
Copyright 1997-2010, the Berman Brothers, Willie and Teddy. All rights reserved.