
So after Thanksgiving and the snow week, this week was back to normal which means go back to school and wake up early in the morning and freeze our behinds off waiting for the bus. Hannukah also started this week, but papa's been making noises about those Maccabee zealots sounding a lot like those guys that took over the government in Iran, except the Iran guys are getting a lot of attention and staying in power, and eventually the descendants of the maccabees got exiled and later turned into us and we're not in power, and not zealots, and might be looked at by the maccabees as Helenists and whoa boy, that would be bad news for us if we ran into maccabees in the street because they would like get all up in our grills and tell us off for not being zealots like them and maybe make us illegal and stuff because we're not all zealot-y like them. Anywho, this is just a long way of saying that papa thinks it's kind of weird to be doing all these extra prayers this week celebrating this zealotry of the maccabees and the Iran zealots and other-place zealots are so feared and hated and stuff. that's all.


This is the snub dodecahedron which papa calls the snubadubahedron. It's a project for my geometry class. It's got 92 sides, well, it will have 92 sides after I put in the missing 12 pentagons. But then again, if the pentagon goes missing, who's gonna care? Rimshot--ba dum bump.
Anyway, I made a tiny model for a mockup before doing my full size one. We made it out of card stock which didn't really want to go thru our printer (to print the outline of the various shapes before folding, spindling and mutilating). Tonight I hung out with another guy from my class and he was building his out of balsa and glue. Really complicated. I'm planning on complicating mine with batteries and LED's and trap doors, and maybe a few laser blasters.
Chanukah is here and that can only mean one thing--LATKES! Hooray.  Zealotry, bad. Latkes, good.

I won't eat them til you get that camera away from me. If I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times it's rude to take pix of people while their eating.
See what I mean? Now how in any way is this a flattering picture? I mean this just totally proves my point. Dude, put the camera down.
The Think Geek catalog is here--hooray. Now, what should be buy? Expendable shirt? No. $900 plasma rifle? YES!!!!
The plasma rifle better come with a lifetime supply of marshmallows for $900 or the deal is off.
So, it's a good thing you can't see them in this picture, but we got bucky balls for 1st night of hannukah. Well, you can kind of see them on the table in front of Teddy. Anyway, now I (willie) have two sets of bucky balls and I can make more complicated shapes than ever, and Teddy is now learning how to make shapes and he promised not to swallow any of the bucky balls because we saw what they did on the Wootcast real product demo, and it was gross and we wouldn't want that to happen to us.

Copyright 1997-2010, The Berman Brothers, Willie and Teddy. All rights reserved.