Willie got home from camp (at long last for Teddy). He had a great time (in his words--we've got written proof), but he's happy to be home and sleeping in his own bed and eating regular food again instead of non-stop nutrigrain bars. There's still a little bit of summer left, but it's starting to feel like school is just around the corner. High School orientation is Wednesday, but school doesn't start til a couple of days after labor day.
We've been playing Magic, doing stuff with bears and bionicles, working on computer projects, seeing movies, staying up late, getting up late, and eating whatever isn't nailed down. Summer has finally arrived with temps in the low 80's and poor Papa is melting. He's putting his box fans in the windows and gel ice packs in the back of his shorts, so we really know it's summer. At least for another week or so.
These were my bunkmates on the last shabbat of camp. This is one of the rare occasions when we weren't bothering Oliver (our counselor) about his hot sisters. When we did bug him about his sisters he would jump on us or squirt us with water guns so we mostly only did it when he wasn't there. HA.
This is my friend Amital. Just friends. Really.
Up Rattlesnake mountain again--thank goodness this time it was foggy so we couldn't see the craggy perch we were sitting on. If we could, I may have lost my lunch.
Well here I am doing nothing. You'd think I had better things to do because Willie came back today, but you can be wrong once in a while.
Copyright 1997-2011, The Berman Brothers, Willie and Teddy. All rights reserved.