One of the fun things we did during Grandma and Grandpa's visit was make cream puffs and decorate cookies... er, no, TWO of the fun things.... and here are two loyal members of the Quality Qontrol Qommittee, reporting for duty.
Unlike how our Mom learned how to make cookies in Home Ec ("first you take the pre-made dough..."), WE make our dough from scratch. Er -- scratch that; Grandma makes the dough from scratch, and we step in for the fun parts.
Sponge... scalpel... clamp...
Any time you're ready, cookies...
Artists at work, carrying on the family tradition.
We're a mostly cooperative team, sharing colors and so forth, though our specific styles are still evident.
Spécialités de la maison. Try to guess...
...which artiste....
...came up with which chef d'oeuvre. (And who put their cookies on top of a comic book?!?)
Ah, the festival of lights... and books... and (trying not to) laugh(s).
Our neighbors bring us special December cookies every year (yum!). This year we invited them to come decorate with us. We don't have pix of their cookies, but trust us, these girls know how to wield colors!
A guy can get self-conscious after a while.
Time to relax after a harrowing day of play. (Thanks Esther for letting us share your couch.)
Sixth night already?? We need more latkes.
I wonder what would have happened if the Maccabees had all insisted on lighting their own chanukiot...
...seems like the holiday would be a bit shorter.
Happy 2012 everyone! Can we go to sleep now? How do you turn down the volume on all those fireworks?
I know I won't sleep a wink -- but I just couldn't resist!
What are you staring at -- doesn't everyone get a celebratory direct-injected wallop of whipped cream on New Year's Day morning?
Copyright 1997 - 2012, The Berman Brothers-Willie and Teddy. All rights reserved.