
Snow! Finally. Well, we really only got about an inch and a half, but in our neighborhood that should mean that we'll have snow around for the next month or so. It can't be very bad because papa took the car our this afternoon to go to a wedding at the shul.

Nana came to visit and we had loads of cookies and other treats for people who came by for visiting and dinners and stuff. Thankfully, we got to sample them too, early and often.


 I could learn a thing or two from nana, like now I can be a two fisted cookie eater. COOKIE!
Okay, back to our calm outward appearance as we plan for world domination. Step one, control the banks. Step two, control the oil companies. Step three, return our library books on time. Step four, eat celebratory cookies. What has any of this got to do with two guys reading books on a couch? Slow news week, obviously.

Copyright 1997-2012, The Berman Brothers, Willie and Teddy. All rights reserved.

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