How do we catch you up? Food was eaten, delicious and otherwise. Movies were watched. Classes attended. Gifts received, thank you notes written, checks not necessarily cashed. Time is marching on. Parents still run after us with cameras, but mostly not successfully, but not from lack of trying--we're just younger and faster than them so we can photobomb at will. So, without further ado, here's some snaps from that last couple of months.
This appears to me on the X-Country team. Uh, heh heh, this was after I ran the race, one of the last races of the season. So, I run in my skimpy track suit, which you will not see in pix on this website if I have anything to say about it. But, if you sent $5 to my dad, he'll probably send you the race-ier (ha ha) ones).
Hail the conquering hero. Now, with so much red, how could we be happy? Well, there's a lot of land, but not as many people. Thank goodness.
Is this election over yet? Can I start listening to the radio again?
We win, we win, we win! Now on to something important.
Like roasting marshmallows in the shabbat candles. Shh, don't tell any religious people who might stone us for our belief, and because we're in WA, as of now getting stoned is legal, but I don't think that's what they had in mind.
Another day, another magic game with Noah and Aviv.

Quiet determination and a fixation on the impossible--that's my middle name.
He's just blowing smoke--his middle name is Scooter. Okay, I'm blowing smoke, well, carbon dioxide gas from the dry ice in the bucket. We always look forward to early morning deliveries from Affordable Kosher because of the blocks of dry ice in the box. Fun fun fun.
Back to the happy time of present presentation. Rip, shred, maul.
I like the hallucinogenic glasses best. I must be getting older or live in WA where, did we mention, getting stoned is now legal?
Oh Willie, I have a surprise for you--we made our own sriracha sauce from a recipe that papa found on a nice cooking website. It turned out pretty well, but next time we'll use less vinegar and maybe a little more heat.
It's our old friend Thorin Cherry-shield (okay, it's really Ellie in Purim disguise). Mommy texted her all kinds of Thorin quotes for her to use on the admiring masses at the Megilah reading.
And Teddy helped her get her armor together.
Now if only I can figure out how to use that armor against annoying brothers, then maybe I could get some rest around here. First he's popping up from around corners, then he hides in my bed. Time for me to get one of those stun-gun flashlights from That would teach him a thing or two.
Little does Teddy know that I have a forcefield around me consisting of teenage mucous and toot-smells that is impenetrable by mere battery powered stun devices. My personal stun repellant is ME! Ha!
Why me (sez Teddy)? What did I do to deserve this?
Copyright 1997-2013 by the Berman Brothers, Willie and Teddy. All rights reserved.