
Two weeks in a row? Are you kidding me? We're going to report you to the child labor authorities for over-working us. What do you think we are, models for your weird sociological experiment? Objects for you to display at will? We need another 3 months off. Maybe come back to us around Shavuot--but just one week after the last update? Preposterous! We have nothing to say. We've done nothing. Okay, we did do stuff--we went to Ellie, Dana & Esther's house and had dinner with Rabbi Fern, which was quite fun. I (Teddy) had some really good gluten free bread, rice and a new kind of hot sauce. And I (Willie) ate green beans. I won't say whether I liked them, suffice it to say that I didn't vomit afterward, or during the eating of the green beans. It helped to have a thick layer of good bread in me first, and the promise of tasty dessert for later. Oh, and we got to pet cats and Lucas (the dog) didn't eat anybody's socks. The Fern whooped us in Apples to Apples--it's like she was using some weird Jedi juju (jew jew?). We've never seen anything like it.

Later in the weekend we went to celebrate Tzachi's 50th birthday--it was fun, and cake and ice cream were eaten, and eaten, and eaten.


Hey--forgotten super bowl pix--we know, it doesn't look like football, but it might be the super bowl of meat. Doesn't papa look happy about having BBQ'd the side of a cow?
 OUCH! That looks like it hurts. What did that cow ever do to you?!
 Barbarian. What else can we say.

I especially appreciate these multi-use garments. They're a shirt, they're shorts. They're a topping. They're everything. We wore these the other night for the shul photo directory shoot, and somebody was super impressed that we had shirts from some movie. We didn't know what they were talking about. Ho hum. Don't even ask us about the picture shoot--suffice it say photobombing was in the house, and papa, nervous enough already, pretty much lost it.
Hey papa, I have something else for the BBQ...

 Oh no you don't, I know where you live.
 Just when you think you're safe, hanging out at a bat-mitzvah party talking with friends, papa's got the camera trained on me, again. Grrrrr.
Train your camera on this--ice cream gluttony! More, more, more!

Copyright 1997-2013, The Berman Boys, Willie and Teddy. All rights reserved.