
Willie and Teddy's Excellent Adventure

and Teddy's Excellent Adventure

I [Willie] have been eating peanuts lately, but only at home where I can't get any peanut dust or oil on anything which a peanut allergy kid could touch, and papa bought some weird peanuts that he said are like his total favorite--they are dry roasted and they have this stuff on the outside of them that when you suck on them they taste really good, but after I ate some tonight, then took my shower, I had these red spots all over my chin that papa thought might be a reaction to something in the dry roasted dust. He's going to try a test tomorrow by rubbing an uneaten dry roasted peanut on my chin and seeing what happens. How undignified.

I [Teddy] had a youth group event right after hebrew school which was an ice breaker and ice cream social and boy did I do the ice cream, and caramel sauce, and chocolate sauce, and sprinkles, and then, just to be really over the top, I got an extra scoop from a girl that was there--yummy! Later there was a Twister game--boring. And I learned how to play 4-square--pretty fun.

I [Teddy] had an eye test at school and I didn't do very well so I got retested and the nurse called home and then papa made an appointment with the eye doctor, but not until two weeks from now because that was the earliest she could see me. But I've been kind of having trouble seeing the blackboards, but maybe it's because I just won't open my eyes. We'll see if I cooperate for the eye doctor this time because two years ago when I had the appointment, I was a total non cooperating terror.

Sorry, no gutter pictures this week. Maybe next week. You can always visit the updated speedy view of the remodel if you need a fix though!

What do you get when you mix one seven-year-old with a marshmallow?

Mhyew oomoossoot goohsahhooot...


Ta da, it's FOXY GRANDPA! Why's that funny?

Okay, okay, here's another one.

I have a tail! A tale? NO! A TAIL...SEE?

Oh ya? I've got two bottoms. Uh oh, that makes me a B$@# Head. Whoops! Editor--strike that last comment from the record. I object.

That's it--I'm staying sad for the rest of this episode. UDU POTS!

BWA HA HA! Who could stay sad for long when being tickled by my favorite 3rd-cousin-in-law! Good luck on your midterm cousin O!

Updated 10/21/2007

Copyright © 1997-2007 The Berman Brothers--Willie and Teddy. All rights reserved.

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