and Teddy's Excellent Adventure
Is September always so busy? Wow... school and holidays and visitors and so much going on! Also lots and lots of paperwork that we poor kids have to carry back and forth to school.
Grandma and Grandpa were here and we played games and Willie got to do a lot of electronics with Grandpa and learn a lot about that. We also baked (and ate) cookies, also cupcakes and other good things, so we weren't even too too too very unhappy that we didn't get donuts after Hebrew School today (though we did last week, thanks Grampa, sorry we were loud in the car).
And then, poof!, Grandma and Grandpa flew home, and lo and behold the next day Lee Andra shows up, I wonder if they waved at each other from their airplanes, and then also Tante Rachel, sheesh what a crowd! And Papa and Mommy went out to Curriculum Night and we stayed here and didn't even lock the babysitters out of the house the way Calvin did. See what good boys we are? (We do try hard to be good right now because we want to watch more episodes of Star Trek! But we did not like the "bonk bonk on the head" episode as much as Papa does, but we liked it.)
Teddy says his brother is going to help him start a business of Disgusting Things. He is studying worms. He says some people say worms aren't smart and can't go to college, but that they read cardboard.
Willie lost another tooth, and it happened in the craziest way imaginable. Papa was brushing Willie's teeth, when all of a sudden willie starting saying mmmf garumf plmmmfff thummmffff galumffff. Well, willie was obviously in distress, and next thing papa knew, willie had plugged the drain in the sink, and spat out his toothpaste, and a tooth! Later, willie put the tooth at the foot of his bed instead of under his pillow, but the tooth fairy found it and left 2 bucks anyway, at the foot of the bed.
Teddy figured out that 72 ounces of chocolate chips really weighs 4 and 1/2 pounds, and then mommy told Teddy that he only weighed 4 pounds when he was born, which is half a pound less than our bag of chocolate chips. Mmmm, chocolate chips...
Sukkot came and went. We got to eat in the sukkah a few times, but mostly it was raining. Now the race is on to see if Papa can take down the sukkah before spring.
It's the highway to oblivion! Let all who travel upon it be very afraid.
Be afraid space shuttle occupants, for you are about to meet your maker. Actually, that is not altogether true as the occupants are a battery and a motor, and their make is in China somewhere.
Not happy birthday, papa, even though these 'worms in dirt' cupcakes made us very happy!
Yessir, that's a big fat juicy worm--looks like he needs his head bitten off!
And a cake to boot! When we get as old as Papa [23 by some accounts] we're going to have multiple birthday treats. Willie is already thinking that his tricolor mousse will be improves by dirt and worms.
It's been getting kind of cold outside, so Papa lit the fireplace. We were complaining because even on its lowest setting, it was kind of too hot to play legos in front of, but reading in front of it seems to be okay.
Now scram! We're trying to read here.
Okay, one smile, then beat it. Thank you.
It's the tower of mini probes! Me and Willie built this space ship that has a huge section for mini probes, and whenever a guy falls into the mini probe area, the mini probes go kind of crazy and run the guy over repeatedly. It's a design feature.
Hey you, it's not polite to take pictures of guys eating, if you did make the cookies, so put that camera down and get me some more cookies, quick like. C'mon, stir your stumps.
Updated 10/7/2007
Copyright © 1997-2007 The Berman Brothers--Willie and Teddy. All rights reserved.