and Teddy's Excellent Adventure
Parent/Teacher conferences have been happening so that means early dismissals all last week and every day for Willie until Thanksgiving, but Teddy had school on a regular schedule last week, and NO SCHOOL at all this week. Short days? No school? Both? No Fair.
Mommy was at some symposium work thing on Thursday and Friday, and went touring around with the work people on Saturday, so we didn't see her much. On Saturday we didn't really notice she was gone because we were working on Lego's all day, with a few bathroom and eating breaks naturally. Willie finished the tow truck in ONE DAY, and Teddy made a new Kaita that he will submit to cool creations. They should totally take this one if they know what's good for them.
Papa was super busy Saturday also making these potstickers. Well, there is another pan of them as well, but you won't catch us eating them, even though we thought they smelled okay. He also made an experimental green onion pancake with some extra dough which he said came out pretty well, but needed more salt.
Lookout cool creations--here I come.
This is what it looked like before I made some improvements after hebrew school today.
Ahh, some of the many faces of Willie. Hey, wait a second...I think I've been insulted.
We had a great game of 'green robot' and 'blue robot' where I (the green robot) take orders from the controller to do stuff. Papa said 'Green Robot, sing a rap song' and I did my beat box imitation and then a 'My name is Joe...' rap that was pretty funny. Then I did a 'My name is Fred' rap that was also amusing.
In my 'blue robot' rap routine I did a 'my name is Teddy' thing that brought tears of mirth, or it might have been anger--I'm not sure as I was running away at the time.
Copyright © 1997-2007 The Berman Brothers--Willie and Teddy. All rights reserved.