and Teddy's Excellent Adventure
So one side effect of missing a week is we completely forget what happened since the last installment--kind of like the puzzler and the car guys. Gimme a hint. Sugar. Pumpkins. Costume. CANDY!!!!!! Oh ya, now it's coming back. Willie went trick and treating with his friends Alexander and Zachary and Teddy went out with Mommy. Papa stayed home and scared the few visitors that dared come down the walk.
Last weekend Nana came to town to hear cousin Jonathan's singing group, and visit us. It was pretty fun, but mostly we just payed attention to our candy. Did someone mention candy?
Mommy and Teddy had eye doctor appointments, and then they both got...something...after. You'll see below. Papa was looking at the eye chart and saying he never needed glasses and then something to the effect of 'hey, why's my right eye a little blurry?' How the mighty have fallen, and can't get up. Clap on, clap clap.
We got Ratatouille, the movie, not the food, and now we've all watched it. We especially like the special feature 'Your Friend, the Rat.' Not a lot else is new around here--just the same old lego building, bear playing, brother bothering good times. Cheers.
Pumpkin time is here by golly, Brushing teeth would sure by folly, Don't forget to feed the Wally, Loads of candy and lots of gum.
Okay, I have to go trick and treating in about an hour, so it must be time to make my costume. Lets see, cardboard--check, duct tape--check, markers--check. Proceed.
Voila--I'm a robot.
I'm a candy machine.
I'm a knife wielding maniac who has kids going the other direction as I run toward the door--heh heh heh.
It's been pretty cold in the mornings, so mommy crocheted me a nose warmer. The first guy who makes a rudolph crack gets a potch upside the noggin.
Nana came to town last weekend (which is why we didn't have time for a website for those of you keeping score at home). Cousin Jonathan (who is grandson Jonathan to her) was in town with his singing group, so she decided to play groupie and come for the show.
Here's Jonathan (center) with the rest of Pizmon singing at the concert they gave at the shul. We also did a concert with them in the morning with the hebrew school.
Hey, who the heck are these people making a rare appearance together on the site. Nana caught them with her camera, because thlord knows they don't take pix together on our camera very often.
Okay, something is different about this picture, and it's not the nose warmer, so that is your only hint. And to answer your question now, yes, they are real. Mommy's genes rule the day.
Check out mommy's new x-ray specs. Do you think she can see behind herself now?
Yes, yes I can, you nassssty thing!
New skill of the week--crossing my eyes. Ya, I've heard the thing about careful or you'll freeze that way.
Copyright © 1997-2007 The Berman Brothers--Willie and Teddy. All rights reserved.