and Teddy's Excellent Adventure
Well, you already know it's vacation time, and you already know our basic aim has been to stay in our pajamas as much as humanly possible and play with Legos most of each day. So far, we've been pretty successful. We've also made up several new games, some of which involve stunt-flying our vehicles made of K'nex, and some of which involve one of us climbing on top of the other and getting dragged down the hallway.
One day, it snowed enough to make snowballs and get completely soaked and cold and then get bored and done with that and warm up by the fireplace -- not enough to shut us in (would we have noticed?) and of course it didn't stop school or anything useful like that, since it was VACATION already! But one fun thing did happen -- Teddy had put on extra layers of everything, to be ready for the snow, and he slid down the stairs at record speed because he was wearing slippery plastic pants!! Mommy thought he had FALLEN all the way down the stairs, but when she got there he was laughing hysterically and almost ready to do it again.
We've been watching more Star Trek episodes. Mommy falls asleep in lots of them and misses all the good parts and then says they were boring. Mommy maybe if you stayed awake you wouldn't say that! Tonight's episode had Joan Collins in it -- it said so at the end -- and Mommy and Papa were like, wow, Joan Collins!! And to that we say: so what's the big deal? (That's similar to what we say when we read a lot of comics from, like, the 80s or something, and we don't know why it's funny. We have just discovered Bloom County and it's really really funny. But we only have one of the books, so we kind of squabble over it a little bit. Mommy doesn't really understand why we squabble, since it seems to her that we've already memorized all the parts.)
You may not have known that Teddy's half-birthday is December 25, and this year, it was practically a national holiday. We had a half-cake, actually it was more like 2/3 of a cake, but it'll make sense when you see the pictures, and we sang "happy half birthday". Teddy says he got very little respect that day, but other than that it was fun.
Teddy made up a three-letter acronym (TLA) called "TPC" which I think he meant to be "tender parent care" but which we had a lot of fun making up other names for, most of which I can't repeat here.
Cynthia is home from New York for a few days and stopped by to see us! And our tantes came by to see us as well, and bring fun things.
We have been staying up soooo late -- I wonder if it's kind of a training period for new year's eve? We want to drink wine and stay up late on new year's eve, isn't that our right as Americans?
Happy new year everyone!
It may look like we were playing piano together, and we were, sort of. We both kind of played independent stuff, together. Mostly it was noise, but it was fun til it wasn't anymore.
When we said 2/3 of a cake, we meant 2/3 of a tri color mousse cake. No white chocolate, but yes dark chocolate marquisse and milk chocolate whipped cream mousse. Also yes to the squirt frosting for the island for holding the umbrella, and darkening me tongue.
Me want cake!
Then Willie tried to send me to Alaska, during the winter, in my pajamas.
Willie got as far as closing the box and affixing the proper postage.
While he was going for tape, I busted out.
That's okay. I want to go to Alaska. In I go. Seal it Teddy.
Sealed it is. Bye bye Willie!
Clubby likes to read Bloom County too. We especially like the parts where Cutter John and Opus and Milo and Bill the cat play Star Trek. Also the part about the Hairy Fishnuts is funny.
I laughed, says Clubby.
Now for some activity. WRESTLE! Hey, look, there on the chair--it's mommy's new shower curtain, in a sneak preview.
Speaking of sneak previews, what the heck is that sink doing in there--it's not supposed to be in for another week. Get it out of there. Oh, papa was just trying to see what he needed to tile, and what he didn't. Sure.
And here is what he needed to tile. And tile, and tile. Until...
Here it is folks, THE LAST TILE!! Under the toe kick and out of sight.
Whew, free at last. Well, not quite, but no more tiling.
Grouting and caulking are done. Just sealing and the sink.
Oh ya, and the trim and doors for the cabinet. A guys work is never done.
Yes, I know, and the medicine cabinet. And paint.
And handles. I didn't forget the handles. Well, I did, but I'm sure Wendy wouldn't let me forget the handles.
What? There can't possibly be something else I forgot that is showing (or not) in this picture. Is there?
Drum roll....SHOWER CURTAIN! We turned on the shower for the first time today, and tomorrow (monday, 12/31/07) we'll take showers in the thing! I better go turn on the floor! Hey! Where are all the coke cans?
Copyright © 1997-2007 The Berman Brothers--Willie and Teddy. All rights reserved.