
Willie and Teddy's Excellent Adventure

and Teddy's Excellent Adventure

Winter break is here, and just in time because it was just Solstice and it really is winter and we could not wait to get out of school, and have colds. Willie got Teddy's cold and Papa is working on getting it too, but hopefully not the coughing part. But Willie got the coughing part, and Teddy is getting over it. Anyway, we're all sleeping in and relaxing. Well, most of us are relaxing. Papa has been scrubbing little blue tiles with a stripping brush and a screwdriver for the past 3 days, and he swears that he'll put the counter on this week. Mommy has been knitting up a storm, and practicing her next haftorah portion. Willie has been coughing and building legos and Teddy has been coughing and building legos. Hmm, sounds familiar, or familial, or something.

After early dismissal from school on friday, we went with Mommy to Math N Stuff and got the bionicles and legos we wanted with the portion of our chanukah money that we didn't put in our savings accounts. Willie got this high powered motorcycle technics thing and Teddy got bionicles and more bionicles and then we built and built until Papa said it was time for dinner, then more building then time for Star Trek episodes which Teddy said were just 'awesome.'

So we were building happily in the living room and Papa walks in from the library with this big old grin on his face holding this CD called Solid Gold Soul and do you know how he tortured us this time? He put it on the boombox and started singing to these songs about Love Roller Coasters and Love Machines and Rubberband Man and stuff. It was totally sickening, and we let him know early and often. What was even more gross was Mommy was singing along with some of the songs too. Yuck. Old people have no taste in music. We strictly like Tom Lehrer and Allan Sherman and Spike Jones and stuff like that.

Away with you, camera guy. I'm up to top secret monkey business. Hmmm, he doesn't believe me. Fine. Here's what I'm up to. Ready? Prepare to be amazed!

I've been pressing the equal button on the calculator for the past, well, a long time and I started with 9+9 and I've pressing the equal sign and so the number goes up by nine. Papa showed me how to figure out how many times I pressed the equal sign on this piece of paper with what he called 'long division' but he asked me all the questions of things like 'how many times does nine go into 10' and 'what is 10 minus 9' and before you know it, he told be I had pressed that equal sign 11,225 times. I had to alternate fingers because my fingers would start to hurt after awhile. Darn my parents and their weak hands and stuff.

Get used to this--Willie--pajamas--legos--next two weeks. The end.

Oh ya, Teddy--pajamas--legos--next two weeks. Also the end.

We had a party for Baby Miller, who still inside my teacher, Mrs. Miller. We got to give Baby Miller a favorite book and some of us gave Baby Miller other stuff too--I gave Baby Miller one of those great polar fleece blankets with the satin edge. I hope he likes it.

Bathroom lights! Now maybe Papa can see his way to finishing the counter top already.

The shower is now, officially, completely, 100% finished. The safety bars are in. The caulk is dry. The shower head is on. Papa accidentally bumped the faucet handle when he was installing the grab bar, and he got soaked.

The faucets are in.

The curb is on, and cemented down, and caulked. Tomorrow morning, the shower curtain goes up and the water is getting turned on. FINALLY!

Speedy view of the remodel

Updated 12/23/2007

Copyright © 1997-2007 The Berman Brothers--Willie and Teddy. All rights reserved.

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