
Willie and Teddy's Excellent Adventure

and Teddy's Excellent Adventure

We can't believe Mid-Winter break is over, how did it go so fast?? We think breaks should be longer and school weeks should be shorter.

We tried to stay in our pajamas the entire time and just play with our legos and Bionicles and occasional computer games, but lo and behold, sometimes other things just come up. Sometimes they are things we want to do -- like go to Science World, see the pictures! -- and sometimes they are things we have to do, like take a shower or eat a meal.

But also this week we have BOTH been working on Scratch (that we told you about last week). Teddy has worked on his first programs today, and Willie has been making improvements to some of his. We are learning this thing WAY faster than Mommy is, but every once in a while she comes up with a helpful hint or suggestion (thank you mommy) and Papa upgraded Teddy's computer so he could even run Scratch in the first place (thank you papa). We told Mommy and Papa we would try to be cooperative with each other about learning this program instead of competing with each other.

We actually went outdoors for a while yesterday and it was kind of fun, we have to admit. It's OK for a while anyway.

Mommy used a new-to-her cookie recipe for goodies for her singing group this week and papa said he thought they were store-bought. Apparently to some people this is an insult and to some people this is a compliment, but I'm not really sure which is which. When we got home from Science World late one night we had found she had started a really huge puzzle -- it says it is 1,000 pieces, we haven't counted for sure but Teddy and Mommy estimated around 950 by multiplying the number of pieces on one long edge by the number in one short edge, pretty tricky huh? But anyway the puzzle is still not quite finished, though it's getting close. We all help a little.

So after getting on the road at 7:00 am which meant that we had to wake up at 10 minutes to seven, and watching 3 hours of Looney Tunes and crossing an international border, we finally rolled up to SCIENCE WORLD for a full day of rock em sock em F-U-N!

No, we don't want to go it--we want to stand out here and just watch the Tower of Bauble forever.

Even More Contraptions are inside you say? Well then, what are we waiting for? Tally ho men and lead on. Blood and vinegar. Wot wot. Which is to say that this is the special attraction of Science world, although the bottomless pit of doom is certainly worth a look, and the other exhibits are always good for a laugh.

But at the end of the day, and the beginning and in between, this is where we choose to play and play and play.

And play some more. You should have seen how many blimps I made and then they all exploded and the then the guys were on springboards and the laser was firing. I guess you had to be there.

But now through the magic of youtube, you can be there--here it is in all of it's shaky and questionable glory.

Okay, there are other things to do at Science World as you all know, and we did do them, contrary to the misguided impression put forth by the webmaster.

We even ate, twice. One of the great things about Costco in Canada is that they have chicken strips and fries at the cafe. But they don't have plain cheese pizza--what's the deal with that?

Three other comments about Costco in the great white north--their prices are higher than the USA, even though Canadian money is worth more than ours. They offer the french fries with gravy or poutine--what the heck is poutine? They have the metric system in Canada yet the pizza is 18 inches and the pop is 20 ounces--what's a Canadian to do? UPDATE: According to wikipedia, poutine is a quintessential Canadian comfort food consisting of French fries topped with fresh cheese curds and covered with gravy. We'll stick to plain, thank you.

Take the picture already so I can get back to my Scratch program.

Check out my Anti-Brain-Freeze cap. An absolutely essential item if one is going to eat ice cream for snack.

Ice cream for snack? Who ever heard of such of a thing. Preposterous. Outlandish. Yummy!

Speedy view of the remodel

Updated 2/24/2008

Copyright © 1997-2008 The Berman Brothers--Willie and Teddy. All rights reserved.

Hey, click the pears picture above to check out our friend Leslie's Watercolors, and BUY THEM!!!


Willie and Teddy's Excellent Adventure

and Teddy's Excellent Adventure

We're in mid-winter break! Don't you think that since it is mid-winter break our parents should stop bugging us to go outside, for mercy's sake? Sheesh -- it's WINTER, that means it's too COLD to go outside! Yeah, that's the ticket.... don't remind my parents that in February there is almost always this warm snap, you'd almost think that pitchers-and-catchers were getting ready to report....

We both had in-class parties on Valentine's day; Teddy's was out-and-out a Valentine's Day party but in Willie's class they try to connect it with places we're learning about, so we've had an Australia and Islands party, and this time it was Europe, and Willie ate crepes! (Mommy was the cookie-decorating lady in Teddy's class's party, so probably most of the kids like her right now...all that sugar.)

Another tooth down and out! See pictures for details. Suffice it to say that the relationship between Willie and The Tooth Fairy is getting more contentious and surreptitious all the time.

On the plus side, along with fewer teeth have come fewer lice. Matter of fact, they seem to be gone. It wasn't so bad. The toughest part was trying to avoid Teddy's head as the top of it was aimed directly at you, along with his battle cry of HeadLiiiiiiiiiicccceeee!

We stayed up reeeeeeeaaalllly late on Friday night but it's not really our fault; our shabbat guests stayed late, because all the grownups were yakking so much. It was almost the next day by the time we went to bed.

But speaking of the next day, Willie got to work with "Scratch" with our friend Russell (this is a "teaching" programming language, see http://scratch.mit.edu/ for details). He even put his first program up on the web site, but the editors of this page have not yet received his permission to publish the link to that program. Stay tuned (or not). A side effect of Russell coming over is that his daughter comes too, and that means, cookies have to be made, and it was so.

So we are working away at our usual tasks of re-reading our favorite comic books (did Teddy tell you that his ban on reading Calvin & Hobbes has been lifted?) and deciding when and whether to get on each others' nerves. But all in all it's pretty quiet -- nothing like the excitement of last week (we forgot to tell you) when Papa kind of by accident put serrano peppers on a hot pan and the whole place got full of dense smoke that made us all cough and practically choke. Mommy says she hasn't had that much fun since the first time they cooked with fish oil.

Check out our Monopoly game. Have you ever noticed that in all these years mommy hardly ever wins any games of any kind? It's a weird thing.

So, which Home Alone movie are they on now? 17 or something like that? What, whatever one they're on, I'm ready for my casting call for Home Alone 18--Ants in the Pants.

This rotten child actor has nuthin on me.

Papa was stabbing around my mouth with that tree-sized Stim-u-dent and next thing I knew, one of my molars was hanging by a thread and he just went and yanked it out. I'm never letting that guy near my mouth again. And to add insult to injury, I hid my tooth from the tooth fairy (who I suspect is Papa), and the tooth fairy didn't take my tooth or leave any money. Bah! Sorry for the bloody spit picture, but you've got to document this stuff properly.

Teddy and Mommy had a marathon game of Monopoly on Sunday. Teddy had Boardwalk and Park Place and both of them had so much money from endless circling the board that they agreed that double hotels would be acceptable, and that's when it happened--Mommy landed on Park Place ($3500 rent) and then she rolled snake-eyes and landed on Boardwalk ($4000 rent) and even that didn't quite bankrupt her, but her next time round the board--BAM--Boardwalk again, GAME OVER!

Speedy view of the remodel

Updated 2/17/2008

Copyright © 1997-2008 The Berman Brothers--Willie and Teddy. All rights reserved.

Hey, click the pears picture above to check out our friend Leslie's Watercolors, and BUY THEM!!!


Willie and Teddy's Excellent Adventure

and Teddy's Excellent Adventure

Lice....camera.....action! Yes, folks, the crawly critters have finally made our way to our house -- amazing, really, the first time in the seven years we've been in various schools. They only like Teddy, though; the rest of us are not bug-magnets, at least not this time around. Teddy is enjoying the fact that he can use his head as a weapon, or at least as a threat. ("Watch out, or I'll touch you with my head!" "Watch out -- this shirt touched my head!") Talk about power. Sorry, Teddy, but you pretty much seem to be All Clear by now, so we're not gonna fall for that one any more.

In other news, Papa facilitated the removal of another of Teddy's teeth. In a cruel twist of fate, the Tooth Fairy neglected to pass over the house that night -- well, rather she-or-he DID pass over the house, in other words, did not pay a visit. We think the tooth removal happened so close to bedtime that there was not time for the news to be transmitted all the way to the North Pole in time for Teddy to get on the distribution list for that evening. Our theory was backed up by the fact that the T.F. did in fact visit quite early the next evening -- before bedtime, in fact. Maybe it was a special delivery, like FedExs sometimes does, late in the afternoon.

To keep you up to date with other financial news, since both boys got special yet mandatory haircuts a la pediculus humanus capitis (go look it up), that doesn't mean they should not receive the customary "I'd-rather-pay-you-than-the-barber" coiffure-related stipend. Papa, you still owe us both two and a half bucks! Just cough up the money, Mac!

You may have read that our state had caucuses this weekend. What you may not have heard is that WE WERE THERE! But that's not the big news, the big news is that we weren't allowed to vote! Talk about false advertising. Talk about hypocrisy -- all these jawing democrats and where were OUR civil rights??? And we got stickers (we won't name the candidate so we won't embarrass our parents or anything) and the stickers said "make my vote count for _ _ _ _ _" .... so why did they say that and our vote STILL didn't count? I tell you, this country is going to the dogs. What we learned is, a caucus is a little bit of fun, but not too much fun. We were not sorry to go home and finally eat some lunch, for mercy's sake, and let Papa stay and duke it out until the bitter end...probably another hour or so!

One weird thing happened at shul we hadn't seen before -- there were candy bars on the tables, and nobody yelled at us when we ate them. Weird, I say. They called it "youth Shabbat" which meant there were lots of teenagers at services, the camp director got up and talked, happily for not too many minutes, and there was mac and cheese during kiddush. Also big cakes. That partially made up for having to sit there for so long.

Teddy's ban from reading Calvin & Hobbs has been lifted pro tem (that means, for as long as he refrains from using Calvin as a role model). This means that Willie has a much better chance at reading the other books that Teddy has brought home as replacements. Woo hoo, Tintin here I come!

Hey papa, where's my $2.50 for my haircut! Where's the top of my head? So I got home the other day itching the side of my head, and papa got suspicious and good thing too because when he started looking closely there were little guys with legs camped out in my hair, so we went to the downstairs bathroom and bzzzzzz, bzzzzzzz, bbbzzzzzzzz, there went my hair. Then out came the really super fine lice combs and now I think I don't have lousey hair anymore.

Side view: it's short. But you know what? It grows. I'm just sad that it didn't get quite long enough for a pony tail.

Did you know that you can make a arrowheads for target practice from the tops of spaghetti-o's cans or from the top of baked beans cans? I was wondering if you can make from the tops of chili beans cans too because I want to get in on some of that bow and arrow stuff.

Okay, so here's the deal. Teddy came home with lice, and what does papa do? Cuts my hair too. What's the big idea? Actually I didn't mind, my hair was getting really long and hard to get a comb through, but this checking for bugs with those really small combs is really a drag. Cut it out already!

Speedy view of the remodel

Updated 2/10/2008

Copyright © 1997-2008 The Berman Brothers--Willie and Teddy. All rights reserved.

Hey, click the pears picture above to check out our friend Leslie's Watercolors, and BUY THEM!!!


Willie and Teddy's Excellent Adventure

and Teddy's Excellent Adventure

Well, well, well, the world is full of surprises -- like Papa being right about who would win the super bowl. Who knew??

It was an exciting week, with all the potato chips sitting in the pantry just waiting for the great day -- I (Willie) bowed down to the potato chips several times -- and of course even more exciting to get to eat them, and watch the game, and drink PEPSI (hahahaha Papa you couldn't stop us!) and see the funny commercials, and, well, let's just say that we may have learned that there actually is such a thing as a limit to the amount of junk food it is good to eat.

Not much else to report this week. The new books that we are liking are The Adventures of Tin Tin -- have you heard of these? -- and that there was SNOW again this week, but the joke was kind of on us, because we didn't have school that day anyway. We hoped it would snow again that night -- they said it would -- but we don't trust the weather reporters. And this time we were right not to, because it was a ho hum regular old end of January day. Now it's Februrary and we get to change the words of the frig (too bad it's not the Magic Fridge, we miss the magic fridge!) and move on.

Thursday, Papa and I (Willie) went to look at the middle school I will probably go to next year. Did you know that middle school starts at 7:45AM? And that I will have to get on the bus at around 7:10AM? I told papa that there is no way that I will be doing that. He just smiled and said "so I guess I'll be home schooling you next year and I'll be your teacher all day every day." No thanks, sez I--I'll take the bus and the early wakeup call.

What a ripoff! It snowed on a vacation day, so we didn't get a day off from school. We want a raincheck!

Well that snow just means that we can stay in our pajamas all day. All week maybe. Aw snap---we've still got school.

Preview of things to come--my first prom fer instance.

Carmen Miranda? Anybody? No? Crash absorbant helmet? No? Pillow on me noggin?

Uuuuugggghhhh, I can't believe I ate sooooo many potato chips--never again. Too much soda, uuuuuggggghhhhh!

Matzoh is the new chicken soup--I feel better all ready.

I'm not sleeping tonight after my whole can of pepsi with sugar all to myself. Mmmm, I can still feel it tingling inside me and my fingers are tapping and I just keep smiling and bouncing. Must. Have. More.

Speedy view of the remodel

Updated 2/3/2008

Copyright © 1997-2008 The Berman Brothers--Willie and Teddy. All rights reserved.

Hey, click the pears picture above to check out our friend Leslie's Watercolors, and BUY THEM!!!