and Teddy's Excellent Adventure
We're in mid-winter break! Don't you think that since it is mid-winter break our parents should stop bugging us to go outside, for mercy's sake? Sheesh -- it's WINTER, that means it's too COLD to go outside! Yeah, that's the ticket.... don't remind my parents that in February there is almost always this warm snap, you'd almost think that pitchers-and-catchers were getting ready to report....
We both had in-class parties on Valentine's day; Teddy's was out-and-out a Valentine's Day party but in Willie's class they try to connect it with places we're learning about, so we've had an Australia and Islands party, and this time it was Europe, and Willie ate crepes! (Mommy was the cookie-decorating lady in Teddy's class's party, so probably most of the kids like her right now...all that sugar.)
Another tooth down and out! See pictures for details. Suffice it to say that the relationship between Willie and The Tooth Fairy is getting more contentious and surreptitious all the time.
On the plus side, along with fewer teeth have come fewer lice. Matter of fact, they seem to be gone. It wasn't so bad. The toughest part was trying to avoid Teddy's head as the top of it was aimed directly at you, along with his battle cry of HeadLiiiiiiiiiicccceeee!
We stayed up reeeeeeeaaalllly late on Friday night but it's not really our fault; our shabbat guests stayed late, because all the grownups were yakking so much. It was almost the next day by the time we went to bed.
But speaking of the next day, Willie got to work with "Scratch" with our friend Russell (this is a "teaching" programming language, see http://scratch.mit.edu/ for details). He even put his first program up on the web site, but the editors of this page have not yet received his permission to publish the link to that program. Stay tuned (or not). A side effect of Russell coming over is that his daughter comes too, and that means, cookies have to be made, and it was so.
So we are working away at our usual tasks of re-reading our favorite comic books (did Teddy tell you that his ban on reading Calvin & Hobbes has been lifted?) and deciding when and whether to get on each others' nerves. But all in all it's pretty quiet -- nothing like the excitement of last week (we forgot to tell you) when Papa kind of by accident put serrano peppers on a hot pan and the whole place got full of dense smoke that made us all cough and practically choke. Mommy says she hasn't had that much fun since the first time they cooked with fish oil.
Check out our Monopoly game. Have you ever noticed that in all these years mommy hardly ever wins any games of any kind? It's a weird thing.
So, which Home Alone movie are they on now? 17 or something like that? What, whatever one they're on, I'm ready for my casting call for Home Alone 18--Ants in the Pants.
This rotten child actor has nuthin on me.
Papa was stabbing around my mouth with that tree-sized Stim-u-dent and next thing I knew, one of my molars was hanging by a thread and he just went and yanked it out. I'm never letting that guy near my mouth again. And to add insult to injury, I hid my tooth from the tooth fairy (who I suspect is Papa), and the tooth fairy didn't take my tooth or leave any money. Bah! Sorry for the bloody spit picture, but you've got to document this stuff properly.
Teddy and Mommy had a marathon game of Monopoly on Sunday. Teddy had Boardwalk and Park Place and both of them had so much money from endless circling the board that they agreed that double hotels would be acceptable, and that's when it happened--Mommy landed on Park Place ($3500 rent) and then she rolled snake-eyes and landed on Boardwalk ($4000 rent) and even that didn't quite bankrupt her, but her next time round the board--BAM--Boardwalk again, GAME OVER!
Copyright © 1997-2008 The Berman Brothers--Willie and Teddy. All rights reserved.