and Teddy's Excellent Adventure
Lice....camera.....action! Yes, folks, the crawly critters have finally made our way to our house -- amazing, really, the first time in the seven years we've been in various schools. They only like Teddy, though; the rest of us are not bug-magnets, at least not this time around. Teddy is enjoying the fact that he can use his head as a weapon, or at least as a threat. ("Watch out, or I'll touch you with my head!" "Watch out -- this shirt touched my head!") Talk about power. Sorry, Teddy, but you pretty much seem to be All Clear by now, so we're not gonna fall for that one any more.
In other news, Papa facilitated the removal of another of Teddy's teeth. In a cruel twist of fate, the Tooth Fairy neglected to pass over the house that night -- well, rather she-or-he DID pass over the house, in other words, did not pay a visit. We think the tooth removal happened so close to bedtime that there was not time for the news to be transmitted all the way to the North Pole in time for Teddy to get on the distribution list for that evening. Our theory was backed up by the fact that the T.F. did in fact visit quite early the next evening -- before bedtime, in fact. Maybe it was a special delivery, like FedExs sometimes does, late in the afternoon.
To keep you up to date with other financial news, since both boys got special yet mandatory haircuts a la pediculus humanus capitis (go look it up), that doesn't mean they should not receive the customary "I'd-rather-pay-you-than-the-barber" coiffure-related stipend. Papa, you still owe us both two and a half bucks! Just cough up the money, Mac!
You may have read that our state had caucuses this weekend. What you may not have heard is that WE WERE THERE! But that's not the big news, the big news is that we weren't allowed to vote! Talk about false advertising. Talk about hypocrisy -- all these jawing democrats and where were OUR civil rights??? And we got stickers (we won't name the candidate so we won't embarrass our parents or anything) and the stickers said "make my vote count for _ _ _ _ _" .... so why did they say that and our vote STILL didn't count? I tell you, this country is going to the dogs. What we learned is, a caucus is a little bit of fun, but not too much fun. We were not sorry to go home and finally eat some lunch, for mercy's sake, and let Papa stay and duke it out until the bitter end...probably another hour or so!
One weird thing happened at shul we hadn't seen before -- there were candy bars on the tables, and nobody yelled at us when we ate them. Weird, I say. They called it "youth Shabbat" which meant there were lots of teenagers at services, the camp director got up and talked, happily for not too many minutes, and there was mac and cheese during kiddush. Also big cakes. That partially made up for having to sit there for so long.
Teddy's ban from reading Calvin & Hobbs has been lifted pro tem (that means, for as long as he refrains from using Calvin as a role model). This means that Willie has a much better chance at reading the other books that Teddy has brought home as replacements. Woo hoo, Tintin here I come!
Hey papa, where's my $2.50 for my haircut! Where's the top of my head? So I got home the other day itching the side of my head, and papa got suspicious and good thing too because when he started looking closely there were little guys with legs camped out in my hair, so we went to the downstairs bathroom and bzzzzzz, bzzzzzzz, bbbzzzzzzzz, there went my hair. Then out came the really super fine lice combs and now I think I don't have lousey hair anymore.
Side view: it's short. But you know what? It grows. I'm just sad that it didn't get quite long enough for a pony tail.
Did you know that you can make a arrowheads for target practice from the tops of spaghetti-o's cans or from the top of baked beans cans? I was wondering if you can make from the tops of chili beans cans too because I want to get in on some of that bow and arrow stuff.
Okay, so here's the deal. Teddy came home with lice, and what does papa do? Cuts my hair too. What's the big idea? Actually I didn't mind, my hair was getting really long and hard to get a comb through, but this checking for bugs with those really small combs is really a drag. Cut it out already!
Copyright © 1997-2008 The Berman Brothers--Willie and Teddy. All rights reserved.