Happy 13th (English) birthday to me (Willie)! I got bi-color mousse cake like I asked for, and for some reason Mommy and Papa listened to me when I said that it would be okay to make the bottom layer (the marquisse) with 72% chocolate. Everybody liked it, but I prefered the top layer which is regular milk chocolate mousse. Speaking of birthday cakes, I liked Mommy's probably better than mine--chocolate chip coffee ice cream. Actually papa pulled a fast one on us and got frozen yogurt, but it tasted fine, and we've all had multiple helpings.
I (Teddy) have been beating Grandma at scrabble--I got half of the triple word score boxes (with words like wax and kit) and I've gotten most of the triple letter scores also and I made a quote that should go in the history books: In the spaces where there are no triple word scores, double word scores, triple letter scores, and double letter scores, it should say single word or single letter score. This should go in history books because it is the ultimate statment of the obvious.
I (Willie) made up a new rhyme: Ring around the mother board, a pocket full of logic, zero one, zero one, we all shut down.
We finally found a deck of magic cards that we had thought we lost for a couple years.
Hmmmm, I wonder what's going to happen next. Lets see, dinner is done, comic books are open, papa is lighting a candle and walking this direction...
I know (sez Teddy), you'll grow bunny ears!
Then you'll be attacked by Snuff--tear his face off Snuff!
Listen up you bears, one more wrong move out of you and you'll get no you-know-what. So be good for goodness sake.
Oh ho! The moment many of the royal We have been waiting for--wishes--now to blow out the candle...
Well I thought I got it the first time but that darn Papa gave me a self relighting candle. Grrrr.
Mmmmm, birthday cake, all for us...
This is my 3D sketchup drawing of the under water ROV thing my group is working on. Leave me alone while I work--you don't like people looking over your shoulder while you work, so scat!
Okay, you can look just this once, now SCRAM!
Heh heh, now I can finally complete my task of WORLD DOMINATION--ultimate power, yes!
Copyright © 1997-2010 The Berman Brothers--Willie and Teddy. All rights reserved.