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So you may not believe this, but after taking down the sukkah walls and roof last week, you might have thought we would leave the framework up for the winter, but you'd be wrong!, we dismantled it on Friday (three-day weekend, thanks School District for Professional Development Days). And just in time, too -- it's raining katzes and dogses these days.

Forgot to tell you last week that for Papa's birthday he celebrated by making lunch (and most importantly, Rice Krispie® Treats™) for shul. (For his home cake, he got Lemon Poppyseed Bundtlettes, and Willie decided they were tasty.) (Side note: at a meeting just today, discussing shul food, many people at the meeting were dismayed to hear that there had been RKTs and they either hadn't been there to enjoy them, or there were none left by the time they hit the dessert table. It was agreed we need an Enforcer to keep the kids from lining up at the dessert table before kiddish has even been made!) Then he celebrated by taking us all out for Ethiopian food, despite the fact that only 50% of the dining party actually eat Ethiopian food. Lo and behold, by the time the meal was over, the percentage had been raised to 75%. Guess who? Yup, the one who is learning to dig spicy meat products. (In all fairness, I, Teddy, also tried the food, but I couldn't get past the injera -- too sour. But I tried!)

So I (T) started band at school again this week, and it was better than I'd anticipated. Oy, oy, back to the daily grind of practicing. And I (W) continue to make ever more complex polyhedra. I've really got to start cataloging these!

We had Shabbat dinner at some friends' house, it was pretty fun (tasty cheese sticks!), and their noisy babies were fun too. They (the babies) mostly liked us and wanted to show us things. One of them crawled into Mommy's skirt. The other wore Mommy's shoes and offered Mommy her own shoes. The fit? Not so good. They have a nice tradition where they take a walk in the 'hood between dinner and dessert. We thought it would be an early night since they were babies. Okay, we were wrong about that.

We continue to watch Monty Python's Flying Circus (Willie is working on his English accents; incidentally he also created a crossword puzzle today) and we are also continuing to assist our aging parents with their crossword puzzles. Also we are reading Dorothy Sayers short stories. I say, d'you think we're getting to be too Anglophilic, wot wot?


One thing I've discovered is that Shofar blowing is much easier with a trumpet. Tekiyah...BLAZZZZ!
Whoa is me, nothing but endless homework. What's a guy to do?
Did somebody say chocolate? Donuts? BBQ sauce? Jelly beans? Something other than homework?
Amazing I still have teeth in my head after chocolate, donuts, jelly beans, etc. I guess I have to thank Dr. Nigrelle and Seven Steps to Dental Health. Blah.
Shvarim...no trumpets here. Just turn the other way and pay no attention to the guy with the horn shaped object.
Barooom, Barooooooom, Baroooooooom! Ha ha--I bet you didn't see that one coming. Time for a new alarm clock Sleeping Beauty.