Willie spent a pretty fair bit of the day figuring out how to print two-sided index cards. Yup, that's right folks, they have to be typed and PRINTED. Never mind that this might take six or more times as long as actually writing them out. (And don't ask, why didn't we just print onto regular paper or stickers and slap 'em on the index cards... believe me, we still might, but darn it, this is supposed to be a house of technogeeks, at least some hours of the day, so you'd better believe we wanted to figure out how to conquer the ^#$%&^%^* piece of machinery that's supposed to be making our lives easier.)
W & T, in an accord of sorts to work toward more bits and pieces of independence, promised (and in fact also delivered) to make their own lunches this weekend. Do leftovers count? (Short-order chef says, YES.)
Of culinary note: buckwheat pancakes were tried by all and pronounced "Quite good" by one and "Not bad on the first taste but then there's this gross buckwheat aftertaste" by the other. Also, the usual sous chef got a little bit big for her britches and tried to make Hot & Sour Hunan all by herself ("selfie do it!"). It was pronounced "as good as the regular way" by one and "sauce is good but the chicken is rubbery and doesn't taste good" by the other. Hey -- we're making progress.
It's late, we had a long day, trying to fill in all the desired number of hours of What We Wanted To Do with all the required hours of What We Had To Do, so not much time to soliloquize this evening. Instead, a snapshot (har har) of our week, mostly in series of Before & After shots.
(Before) I'm not listening... leave me alone, I'm reading important stuff! |
(After) Did someone say potato chips? |
(Before) I'm not listening... leave me alone, I'm reading important stuff! |
(After) Did someone say dessert? |
(Before) Hey Teddy, let me help you get those clodhoppers off your feet. |
(During) No you don't, you villain! Leave my clodhoppers alone! |
(Still during) I'll get you for this! |
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
And finally: no before, no after; just a domestic scene of afternoon tranquility and chair-sharing.