We missed a week--sorry about that. You see, the snow started falling last Sunday night, and the excitement was just plain high. Teddy had the week off from school officially for parent/teacher conferences, but I (Willie) had to go to school Monday thru Wednesday. Well, that was the plan anyway. So a call came in from the school at 6:30 Monday morning that school would let out 2 hours early. What? I've still got to go to school with snow on the ground? Unprecedented I say. Okay, so I went to school, and got home two hours early, and good thing I did because that's when then snow, and the temperature, really started falling. Before we knew it, there was 6 inches of fluff on the ground, and the temps were in the 20's. So then Tuesday school was cancelled, and the parent/teacher conference. Then Tuesday night, Wednesday school was cancelled. You probably know the rest of the story.
The rest of the story: Thursday was Thanksgiving. Good thing papa got out on Monday before the real snow hit to do his shopping, otherwise it would have been chili and corndogs for thanksgiving dinner. Our friends came for dinner, and what a feast it was: Smoked turkey (on the rotisserie BBQ) and ribs (in the new barrel smoker), stuffing, roasted potatoes and golden beets, fresh home made no-knead bread and popovers, cranberry sauce can, salad, and DESSERTS--slab apple pie, pumpkin pie and CHOCOLATE MALTED WHIPPED CREAM!!!!!!! So as you can tell, not much of this stuff excited us, the willie and teddy set. I (Willie) ate ribs, potatoes, bread, popovers, and CHOCOLATE WHIPPED CREAM. Mommy made some curry chicken so Teddy had a good meal too. We played Magic for a long time with our friends and stayed up way too late. All in all, a very successful holiday.
Do you ever get the feeling that you are being watched? I do, and you know, it's just creepy.
So, those of you who don't believe us about the snow, check this out. The snow on the table got to about 6 inches deep, and the wind was so fierce, the snow got everywhere--even covered the porch and got right up to the front door.
One of the best things that happened was we had marathon sessions with our new favorite game--Angry Birds. Papa broke down and spent 99 cents on the game. He was having too much fun slingshotting birds into big pigs who had stolen their eggs.
Take that you egg stealing pig. SMASH!
And that, and that. And that. You get the idea. Snow + no school + iPod touch = happy campers.
So usually papa would get out and at least dig around grey car and put on its chains just in case he needed to get somewhere in the car. Not this time. He just figured with the thanksgiving holiday and having done all of his shopping already, we were all in for the duration.
Sounds good to me. Pass some more whipped cream.
Whipped cream? Mine! (says Noah)
Not if I, Willie the human whipped cream vacuum beat you to it. SLURP!!!!!!