
Irony: Papa trying to tell me (Willie) that I have to wear jeans instead of just my sweat pants all the time. Am I missing something here?

James Bond movies are pretty much all the rage around here. We can say that we didn't like From Russia With Love, and the Roger Moore movies are not so good. Tonight we saw Sean Connery as the older James Bond in Never Say Never Again, and it was pretty bad, except the spear gun parts. And why couldn't the sharks have laser beams strapped to their heads? Last night was Pierce Brosnan--if that guy was any more wooden, he'd be full of termites. Any way, there were still plenty of explosions, car chases and annoying love scenes. Bleah. The extra super added bonus is we discovered that The 3 Stooges are on every Saturday night and early Sunday morning (4 AM). The next guest is going to have some company! Papa yells every time Shemp is on screen, but we like him. We like Curley better though.


 Like the deer in the headlights, I've been caught in the lights of barbershop-bound transport.
 I asked papa to cut my hair, but he got cold feet. Probably because he can't reach the top of my head any more. Poor little guy.
Mug shot time: Face right.
Face forward. Oh ya--new glasses too. These are supposed to be the same indestructible ones that Teddy has, except within a week of getting them, I got popped in the face by Teddy, and, you guessed it, my glasses bent.
 Here papa, now I'm at your level, and I've got jeans on. At least he didn't insist I wear shorts all the time. And tattered sweat shirts.