Yup, it's SPRING! Which means it's almost time for yet ANOTHER school vacation. And that we're getting even taller. And antsier, and some would say squeakier, but that's just a word we are liking these days.
Let's see -- mostly business as usual around here. We are still being asked to "do the things we have to do" -- why don't those pesky things just go away? But we are slowly making peace with some of those things. We're back to reading Lord of the Rings again -- first time since we saw all the movies -- funny to read it the "old" way again. Editor's note: At least it's got the Scouring of the Shire.
I (Willie) had to have my mattress down on the floor one night because I'd been sick and didn't want to have to jump out of the bed. Conveniently, it has stayed there for a week. I think I like it! Not the floor, but the lack of jumping out. Also it's hard to bounce up and down on a loft bed -- tough on the old noggin. Speaking of jumping out, we saw The. Worst. James. Bond. Movie. Ever. this weekend -- and that's saying a lot. Bring back Sean Connery! Or let us take over the franchise; we're making some great cinema with "Club. James Club" and his crazy adventures. At least we'll never have to see Roger Moore ever again. I have been barraged with homework -- lots and lots of pages of notes about Crusades and Islam and pagans and stuff, and lots of AP tests. But I think we're almost done with AP history for the year. My teacher says fourth quarter we're doing Washington State history which she says should be a cinch.
I (Teddy) am being a pretty stellar Hebrew student these days, according to my teacher, and when I feel like practicing my trumpet (or maybe, as according to Papa, when I just don't think about it and let it happen), they say I sound pretty good there too. My team did really well in the Global Reading Challenge but alas, not quite well enough to win, which, if you ask me, was pure politics and favoritism, not to mention Bad Choices on the part of a team caption whose name I won't mention.
We've both been (according to unreliable sources aka our parents) COOKING WITH GAS vis-a-vis crossword puzzles -- meaning very helpful to our poor creaky parents who can't always even finish a Saturday puzzle alone in less than 30 minutes. Sheesh. And when Mommy has to test some new recipe for some cockamamie volunteer thing she's doing at the shul, we always volunteer too -- for taste-testing. This, of course, does not extend to savories, only cakes and the like--so don't get any ideas.
Here's the not quite end result of Mommy's knit-picking. Okay, sweater making. She did finish it more or less, but she's been heard talking about making another pocket for the thing. Oh just eat the darn peach.
No, I'm not guilty despite the smirk on my face. I didn't do it, you can't prove anything, and it's not my handwriting, so there.
Papa's not sure why these Wanted Post-its (as opposed to Wanted Posters) were attached to his person--could it have been...sausage night? The 3 little pigs have more to worry about than the Big Bad Wolf, if you catch our meaning.
Speaking of farm animals, our neighbors two doors down brought by some just laid eggs--now that is farm fresh.
This custard doughnut is also farm fresh--straight from the hand-forging donut kiln to my BELLY! Do not pass go, do not collect two hundred dollars, but Top Pot is starting to seem like they cost that much.
One of our specialties is glomming onto whatever the other guy happens to be reading, or sitting, or doing, or listening to, or enjoying in general.
Okay, snap the darn picture of 'catching us being good' and go on with your business, Mrs. annoying camera guy.
We're kind of like cats--just give us some sunshine to lounge in, and we will. You don't even have to ask.