
Grandma and Grandpa showed up after wintering in Arizona, and it's nice to see them. They were probably aware that they were sleeping in the TV room, but when we barreled into their bedroom Saturday night to watch 3 Stooges, that took them a little off guard. We couldn't watch until 11PM like we sometimes do because Teddy had hebrew school the next morning and was a groomsman in a mock wedding, so he needed his beauty sleep. Also, G and G kind of wanted their room back, without really saying so, but when Grandpa layed down on the bed and started snoring at us we got the message [Editor's note: Grandpa was snoring upstairs, not on the bed downstairs--get your facts straight].

Spring is definitely here. I (Willie) really like walking down streets were there are lots of plum trees in blossom that I can whack their branches and get covered in pink leaves. It helps that they smell good too.

Today I (Teddy) went to a ceramic painting activity and remembered that I really like painting and would maybe like to try sculpting something out of clay. We need to look for that kind of class for me.


 Darn this crazy backpack--how is guy supposed to put on his shoes and trudge 9 miles uphill through the snow with this thing on? Now I know how an upside-down turtle feels.
 This is not an optical illusion, my backpack is way deeper than me. this is even after I removed more than 1 pound of extra paper from it and everything.
 Early Bird gets the...chocolate? Hey Early, aren't you supposed to be getting worms and leave the chocolate for us?
 I'll pat you nicely if you'll give me chocolate, okay? That's why I'm a friend to stuffed animals--they don't mind if I eat their chocolate young.
Everybody's a winner in this monopoly game. At least until one of us gets Boardwalk and Park Place, then we'll beat the living snot out of each other. Yes papa, we remember that you think the Orange properties are best, but you're not playing, are you? HA! We rest our case.

Copyright 1997-2011, The Berman Brothers, Willie and Teddy. All rights reserved.