
The Willie Sol Zone

Hoo-ahh, what a week. Monday, me and Papa went swimming with our friends, Ellen and Marcus. I liked the swimming, but all Papa let me do was float. I wanted to play some water basketball, but he said "no dice." This week I started propelling myself backwards by pushing off stuff with my legs. The first thing I propelled off was Mommie's head. I also finally got hold of Mommie's glasses and drooled all over them.
Papa finally put insulation below my room in the garage ceiling so maybe my room won't be so cold this winter. I'll believe it when I see it. In the mean time, I still get swaddled tight every night, and I am sleeping a little longer all the time. It won't be long before I am sleeping all night long (to Mommie's relief).


People have been wondering what me and Papa do all day. Well, for those inquiring minds...

...the answer is we just sit around and drink and burp.

Just to prove that I am not the only one who is interested in chewing on this tasty worm, here is photographic proof of just how tasty the worm is to somebody else.

I've been doing lots of standing around lately.

The problem is that nobody ever goes where I want to go (which is outside to play in the mud, if you really must know).

This is my friend Trilby. I got to play with her kitty, Birdie.

Here is a fine picture in my cute overalls. I found out why they call the front of overalls a bib--because I drool all over them!

Me and Mommie went over to our friend Jill's house on Saturday and helped paint. I was so tired when I got home that I just slept in my carseat for 2 hours.

Bathtime! And rubber duckies really do make bathtime fun!

Copyright 1997, Willie Berman. All rights reserved.