It's winter break and so far we've been playing Magic and spinning bears from the fan and watching papa make a fool of himself over his football team, who happened to win this week, but they won't next week, so then we'll put up some video of him stomping on his jersey after they lose. it's very amusing.
We scored another set of buckyballs. I now have two sets of gold after trading my original set of silver to Willie, who now has 3.
Willie tried to make a snub dodecahedron with all 3 sets but it collapsed on itself. he should stick to small stuff like this.
I (Teddy) was helping kindergarteners build gingerbread houses and I made my own extra chock full of sugary goodness. Hey Willie, want some?
Do I? Who do I have to kill? Of course I do. What do you got? Did you say sugar? Mike n ikes? Marshmallows? Chocolate kisses and chips? Gummy bears? Sour worms? Frosting? YUMMY!
SNARF SNORG INHALE CHOMP (Ow, that was my arm).
Not enough candy--must have MORE!
This isn't a piece of paper--it's a rare piece of paper. No, you can't have it--it's mine! MINE I SAY!
The bears are all terrified of the chicken man. Chicken man? Who is the chicken man that these otherwise fearless bears are so scared of?Behold--the chicken man! Despair at his terrifying visage. Speaking of terror, we finished watching The Lord of the Rings trilogy for the THIRD time. Not in a row, and not all once--we'd be sitting in front of the TV for 12 hours straight if we did that. Hmmm, that gives me an idea...
Copyright 1997-2010, The Berman brothers, Willie and Teddy. All rights reserved.